Sunday, 4 October 2009

Summary "The other side of Knackered...a good place!"

(click photo for large picture..)

I’ve been reflecting these past two weeks and it’s hard to get down in words what the whole trip has meant.
There are so many levels that this journey has touched.
Firstly to achieve what I always though ‘other people do’ is a tremendous feeling. As an old bloke of 50 I always thought that you needed to be a club rider in his 20’s to succeed at LEJOG. Not so with the support we had both from DA (great food & drink) but primarily from each other.
Secondly the emotion that was stirred from within me was so powerful & unexpected. To climb up the long Scap Fell thinking of my parents and sobbing uncontrollably so I had to stop, felt…well it felt just right! This enabled me to grieve for my parents & others that have passed on recently & I feel that I can now move on. As one gets older the great outdoors means so much more.
Thirdly I am still amazed how our tired legs still kept turning. In fact on many occasions I visited a place I’ll call ‘The other side of knackered’ With 70 down and 25 miles to go there was no choice but to press on and I found that my legs continued to respond to my efforts and we even raced into the Hotels some afternoons. We all got stronger as the trip progressed.
But most importantly the trip gave me time to consider my family and where I am. My love for Ali, as we approach our 25th Wedding Anniversary, is stronger than ever. I just couldn’t contemplate with life without her. I’m incredibly proud of my kids and, as they start to set out on independent life, they will all make a success of life.
On the one hand I did not want the journey to finish & would have gladly continued on back down the east coast & home. But the trip was long enough to satiate us & in the end I think most of us were happy to get back into the ‘real world’ again.
There were uncomfortable times with painful backside, back, neck etc but these really didn’t bother me. Even during my training I used to stop at the village War memorials for a drink & also to read the names. These young soldiers were denied opportunities that I have had and any ‘pain’ I was experiencing really pales into insignificance when you read those names.
If anyone is reading this because they are thinking of doing it, or have already signed up, then just GO FOR IT! You need to get plenty of training in, don’t worry about wet weather, it really doesn’t matter. It can be done…well the 26 of us did it, with DA’s support.

Here’s a few words on my fellow riders:-

Gerry – the LEGEND, our celebrity, the Pacemaker metronome. Just keeps pedalling along keeping steady pace – looks like he could pedal for years & years at a stretch – we are all in awe of you mate! (and terrific ping pong player too!)
George – another LEGEND – the old man of the party – grit & determination to the n-th degree. Fought debilitating squits over many days with fortitude & even did Scap Fell when feeling (and looking pretty rough) – respect++
Steve – son of George – great support to his Dad – pedalled steady pace each day - ‘The Bath Boys’
Dave & Susie – the ‘Lovers’ Always had words of support & encouragement. Dave had little training pre-trip & Susie left him behind at first but he cycled his way to fitness. Enjoyed time with Dave appreciating wild scenery up from Bonar Bridge.
Fliss & Simmie – two sisters on a mission – great grit & determination and always a smile – even on the cold wet windy days.
Nikki (Nakky-Noo) – Baby of the party – on her own on borrowed bike (that had done LEJOG in ’08) – became Queen of the Hills – ‘Muse’ powered sessions.
Andy-Arsenal – became very powerful cyclist – took on & beat the Pros with Simon on one occasion. Always with a one liner – supportive & sensitive to when someone needed to be on their own.
Simon fellow ‘Mitchell brother’ of mine. Friendly thoughtful – always quick to check if you were feeling OK.
Dave – ‘Van Driver’ Kept a steady rhythm throughout – Knew what he needed to do to get there…and did it! stayed off the beer until the last night– excellent room mate.
Dave – the quiet man. Efficiently covered the miles.
Mad-Dog Paul – Loud funny CRAZY IN TRAFFIC (honed by London Commuting) – beware the ‘London Pride’ shirt as it twists around in between and possibly under some traffic to get through
Devon Boys – Andy ‘Wurzel’ & Keith. Both powerhouses who demonstrate efficient cycling & total disrespect for hills - they eat them for dinner.
Rob ‘Pocket rocket’ Cycle mechanic expert with his smooth style rarely lifting out of saddle. Did amazingly well with chronic Achilles problem & fixes chains in all conditions…anywhere!
Crazy-Simon ‘downhill nutcase’ Claims he has to go fast down hill to compensate for slow flat/climb speed. Powered out some epic ‘brutal’ sessions with the Pros. Ale powered wheel buckling dynamo. WARNING - DO NOT FLY OVER MANCHESTER
Wigan-Mark – lucozade addict – him of the leisurely style with cocked head – could put on surprisingly quick sessions if he wanted
Wirrel-Phil – he of the fast scouser quips and extremely worrying taste in underwear which was along with his chest, frequently on display!
Mark II – quiet man – battled the squits with determination as this left him with little reserve energy – brave effort
Steven – battled injury & kept good pace – great news that 2nd child on the way came through on our final day Congratulations I hope all goes well.
‘Yorkshire’ John – 3rd oldest & gained in strength – happy to be trailing along at his own speed in his own world – or chatting as the miles slipped by.
‘Ice Bath’ Stu – always seemed to be trying to catch the pros – with his saddle back rocking from side to side. Could keep upp a punishing pace.
‘Novice’ Tim Tom Taylor ‘the man with the voices’ only got the bike weeks before departure. Got stronger – great company. One for the lateral comment!
AndyH kept a steady pace – really enjoyed the trip – rode through some bad knee pain – brave effort. Good company on some tiring stretches – esp into Invarary.

And our support team :-

Jason – ever efficient, excellent attention to detail, takes any task/problem in his stride & just get’s it sorted with minimal fuss – an excellent leader
Matt/Stuart – Jason’s support team. Ever helpful whether technical with the bike or just making a cup of tea when we roll in frozen & wet to the drink stop.

Thanks to all!

Friday, 11 September 2009

12/9/09 Day 12 ...the final frontier... 52 miles approx.

Here we go...this is it...
It was a pretty mad sunset last night - the northern lattitudes & low sun did something weird to the underside of the light clouds - changing from yellow to bronze to hot coal orange & red 'lava' flows & back again - absulutely incredible.
Several of us are up early - I slept well but once awake I was AWAKE - heart pounding ready for this final push.
Novice & I (+ a few others) plan to set off early so we can take in the extra 12 miles to the tip of Dunnet Head & then back - the plan is to get back to the A road & not hold anyone up.
The DA boys want us to group together 1/2 mile out so we can do the last bit as a big pelaton...
Was very windy in night but looks dry & wind seems to be from a favourable direction...the Angel's breath stays with us.
Got a Txt from solo Young-Jerry - last night he was at the castle YH we stayed at - he will get to JOG tomorrow..Good Luck

more from after JOG....

WOW! Job done...what a day!

As above everyone was up early today - the morning was fresh & bright with a lovely westerly wind.
The nine of us planning Dunnet head set of early. Within 10 yds Novice had a flat!! The DA boys did a tube fit in 3 mins and we were off.
The first 400yds were a mad steep downhill & a taste of things to come before Thurso where, we were told, the terrain would flatten somewhat. Some enormous climbs made easier by the wind, and some very fast, terrifying at times, descents - like coming off Dartmoor. However this time dry, but as the road winds then viscous gusty side winds meant concentration had to be 100%. The surface was fee of potholes but very rough & alot of vibrations at speed. It's incredible that no bits (apart from Dave's back light), or people, came off today. On the flat sections the wind allowed us to breeze along at 25mph without much effort. A big factor is our strength & fitness we've built up.
The initial terrain started with sweeping hills & valleys & isolated buildings. The run down into Thurso was at about 38mph for about a mile without pedalling!
Novice & I pressed on because we had to 'do' Dunnet Head & not delay the other riders.
Beyond Thurso the road runs behind a huge dune system behind Dunnet Bay. This is where we had a quick cup of tea. Andy-Arsenal had come powering past us to his arranged meeting with his girlfriend at the drink stop.
Then The Pro's, Ice bath, novice,mad simon,mad-dog & Andy-Arsenal set off to Dunnet turning left into Hell-on-Earth!
The side wind was ferocious, almost un rideable & pretty scary. We then climbed up the windy road up to the northest point sign. With gale force wind & rain freezing us we took some pictures & headed back across the narrow windy road. I for one was glad when we got back to the main road (Rocket "super mechanic" was mending a chain in the rain)
At the main road the sign said 9 1/2 miles to JOG! We assumed the rest had gone past already so Novice & I gently rolled our way up to the Hotel just short of JOG. His R knee had now decided to play up but battled on bravely.
We were the last to arrive!!! My hands were frozen & the packed warm bar & McEwans bitter & ORKNEY brewed 'heavy' ale went down a treat.
We then put all our charity shirts on & congregated in the freezing wind for the gentle run down to the finish line. Gerry led us in with George & the girls not far behind.
There it was...the famous sign and the F I N I S H L I N E !!!
AndyH's uncle Martin was their playing his bagpipes as we all rolled in - a magic moment for us all.

Hugs cheers plenty of tears bubbly wine photos wine lunch wine change of clothes more tears etc all a bit of a blur.................
Signed the End to End book - cup of coffee & walk around. The main Hoetl is boarded up & in fact it's a bit of a sorry place "Bit of a shit-hole - we've come all this way for this?" - Wirrel

Then it was all aboard the coach for the 2+hr trip to Inverness

The coastline up there is up there with the best Europe has to offer with steep cliffs, bays and majestic hills.

Most of us dozed a bit in the sunshine coming to life for a beer or two in the last stretch.
We are now in the Royal Highland Hotel, literally next door to the train station.
Plan is a beer or two then big chinese nosh up...

I will add more later & also once home I can put some photos/film clips on (when connection is a bit quicker)

Chinese meal was delicious but timing of the food was a bit strange - we can all just eat & eat now.

Jason then did his wrap up speech & dished out our DA-LEJOG T-shirts.

I then thanked the DA boys - without whom we could not have had any chance of success - and passed on the whip round for Jason to share out - TOP GUYS++
I also felt that we should all thank each other for being such a good team. The support all round has been fantastic. There have been numerous occcasions when the legs are 'running' on empty - and a slight gee-up & positive word can make such an impact. I expressed our sadness that this is over, & I don't expect we'll ever all be together again, but I'm certain that alot of our paths with cross at some point in the future.
We have become friends and in sharing the whole experience this will have forged some bonds that will last.
There are so many memories, mostly locked away & as we reflect in the coming months, and share our photos these will re-emerge. Thanks Guys.

Our 'HERO' the LEGEND Gerry stood up & thanked everyone for getting him through. In fact for most of us it was Gerry's rythmical cycling that pulled us through. (Whenever I felt a bit weak I tucked in behind him & the miles slid by more effortlessly than before)

George then echoed Gerry's thoughts. He has done many Treks over the years (and is on a plane on Monday for another!!) - he said that we will bump into one & other in the coming years.
Doing something like this for a cause can be so rewarding, one day we ourselves might need the help of the organisations we are raising money for.

With that & after some fruit fritters & ice cream the group broke up to go to various bars. Inverness on a Saturday night is a noisy & possibly dangerous place with it's toxic mix of young drunk people & hard Rig workers out to enjoy some freedom on land.

Stu had had to get home already for another DA trip this week. Jason & Matt will be up early to get the vans down to DA head office (Salisbury) ready for thr next LEJOG in 2 days!!

MANY THANKS to all of you for your supportive comments & texts - they helped to keep me going.

Will make one more summary post,, add some images/videos, then leave this blog as a record of our amazing journey...

58m 3h51m at 15.1mph Climb 3263ft (50m & 2750ft without Dunnet Head)

For the anoraks :-

TOTAL 969.61 miles in 12 days (average 81m/day)


Fastest speed 44.1mph (steep downhill bit just after pub in top of Dartmoor)

assuming 60 revolutions per minute thats 240, 480 turns which is 480,960 pushes on the pedals!!!

Average heartrate dropped from ~130 1st week to ~120 2nd week - evidence of increased fitness

TOTAL CLIMB 45,957 ft !! Everest & a half!

TOTAL CALORIES 60,369 (as calculated by the Garmin)

Thursday, 10 September 2009

11/9/09 Day 11 ..going over the top.... 53 miles

Good evening last night in this majestic old castle.
Supper was suprisingly good. jason had warned us about the gruel previously served. In the event we had spicy veg soup, an excellent beef stew with new & roast taters veg etc topped off with a gateau.
Post meal entertainment included table tennis - Old-Gerry once again showing his class - is there nothing this man can't excell at? Having played in the Salisbury league he showed all the class with shots from everywhere to beat all but young-David. There was a slight drop in class but no lowering of entertainment value when Nikki took on Susie.
The sitting room here is the size of a village hall, and again several took refuge from the 'vetenary' dormatory noises.
There was a nightly procession of pee relievers peaking at about 0200 as far as I could make out. Then Tim was up at 0630 as usual...but today the routine is different..0800 breakfast. So we were able to watch the dawn out of our bay window, initially grey & misty the colours increasing in definition as the sun rose to our left.
Packing up the gear - today is short in miles but the blurb says it's a tough day. Most of the route will be on a single track road despite the fact that it is an A road. We are passing through the most sparsely populated area in Northern Europe today...better fill up the water bottles...
Lucklily we are under a High pressure anticyclone, so conditions should be milder than usual (maybe even a rare tail wind into JOG tomorrow..) ..after the storms we've cycled through I think we deserve this.

from wikipedia :-
"Overlooking the Kyle of Sutherland is the early 20th-century Carbisdale Castle. This was home to the exiled King of Norway during the German occupation of Norway during World War II. This now houses the largest and most sumptuous Youth Hostel in Scotland, and possibly anywhere else"
...more at bettyhill later....

Now 1530 earlier finish than usual aloowing some reflection time on an amazing day. and whole trip from Land's End. Can it be a week ago we were speeding into Shrewsbury?
After cereal, coffee, and a mountain of toast we left the 'Hostel' and took a short cut over a wire footpath over the River Shin - then out onto the road in sunshine as we wound our way up the valley towrads Lairg.
Once past laiirg (with it's penguin house on an island complete with conservatory!!) the rest of the journey was in two halves
I was with novice, the lovers, old man, AndyH, Wirrel & one other for the bleak ride up to Creak Inn. The terrain here was wild & unfriendly with grey skies & a chill wind (still behind us - usually northerlies here I'm told) Eventually the pub was in sign & we all crammed in for lovely fresh coffe & warm fruit cakes & scones. Mad-dog & crazySimon & Andy-arsenal had pints despite the fact it was before 1100!
The slow drag climb continued until we turned right towards & down to Loch Naver. From here on in the landscape was softer & more picturesque. From just past Lairg the "A" road is now single track with frequent passing places & very little traffic.
The road twists & turns along the nothern shore with magnificent views back across to Ben Klibreck. I stopped & watched as the ascending air turned to cloud as it passed over the, out of sight, peak. A really magical & peaceful place.
For this section I hung back on my own and enjoyed the solitude, fresh air and my favourite album of all tome on my ipod (conveniantly rubber banded onto my helmet US Marine style!) - ie Lamb lies down on Broadway - GENESIS.
Yorrkshire John & Van driver dave were the last three to gently wind our way up to Bettyhill.
The whole feeling of the place being amplified somehow by the journey we have made to get there.
Eventually the thinly spaced houses at Bettyhill came into sight along with our first glimse of the sea - North coast sea that is! As usual there is an up hill 'sting in the tail' finish but at this stage we all feel strong & have no concerns, after the monsters we've takled these last 11 days.
Jason Stuat & Matt were at the hotel to greet us with food coffee etc.
After a shower Dave & I plan a walk down to the beautiful beach down below - the view from the sitting room here is fantastic.
So the run to John O'Groats is in the morning, with a 12 mile detour to Dunnet Head planned. This is the most northerly point of mainland Britain. Then onto JOG for lunch.
We are being coached to Inverness for celebratory meal etc in the evening, and maybe a small shandy or two!
Down on the beach the lovers took a chilly dip in the sea! I jumped over the river to get some rocks for a bit of a dam...on the jump back I slipped into the river soaking my shoes, much to Gerry & Dave's amusement...when will I ever grow up?
52.96m 3h55m at 13.5mph (took very easy with lots of stops) 2116ft climb
TOTAL 910m 42695ft climb

10/9/09 Day 10 Loch Ness...and up, and beyond... 80 miles

Lejog day 10
It was an interesting night. The dormitory resembled a stable or cowshed with all the snorting snoring farting going on – at one point there was a certain rhythm to expulsions – like a human beat box said Andy-Arsenal. Several light sleepers took refuge in the living room & sofas but unfortunately the noises went with them. With my good ear pressed in the pillow I slept like a baby.
Breakfast was chaotic noisy and everyone helped clearing stuff away.
Most of us got going early – before 0800.
Starting out dull & drizzly we crossed the Caledonian Canal up to Fort Augustus. Just before town we had the first glimpse of our companion for the next 20 miles – Loch Ness!! As we passed through the sun came out flickering through the trees as we sped along the Loch – warming up the cool midge ridden air.
Along to the water stop in Drumndrochet the road had quite a number of undulations but with the fine weather and fantastic scenery we all just breezed along.
After taking in tea, nut bars, fruit etc we set off in a large group to tackle what was billed as the hardest climb of the whole trip. Climbing up 700ft in ¾ mile at 13%. This was a step stiff climb – most of us had to pause before our lungs burst – getting started again proved to be very tricky as the front wheel tended to lift off the ground unicycle fashion – David also managed to catch his shirt under the front of the saddle to boot – but managed to avoid falling off…just!
The reward was some spectacular views & a thrilling descent down into Beauly – nice straight road to ‘bomb’ down…..
The section to Dingwall was a little more urban but I did spot another nice golf course – seen a few on this trip…
Lunch was up overlooking Cromarty Firth. Simon’s rear wheel had finally admitted defeat! No man made object in history could ever survive the kind of forces he put it through…Attempts by Matt to fiddle with the spokes – then pocket rocket started smashing the wheel on the road to get it back in shape….no success so spare wheel used….
Along skirting Alness [van driver Dave got a bit lost here & went through the town - adding some miles] the terrain felt somewhat ‘English’ with it’s low hills hedges & ordinary (rather than the Highland’s with the big horns) cattle – but after climbing up to 750 ft again the terrain was back to Scottish again. Wish only a light breeze AndyH ‘The legend-Gerry’ Old-George Son-Steve Nikki-Nakki-Noo & I took our time soaking up the great views & fresh air.
Jason had stopped up at the top above Bonar Bridge for our afternoon cuppa.
Then another descent with great views of The Firth of Garnock to our right – and old bridge & wooded road took us to the A836 & into Ardgay. We followed the signs to the Youth Hostel, disappointingly 5 miles…and a few nasty hills to finish but what a place!
A huge old castle with turrets/towers etc.
I am in a (smelly now) dormitory with the pros (Andy Rob Keith) Yorkshire Dave, Novice Tim (who thinks he’s dying of a swollen uvula), David & David (who stayed in a different place last night so, with Susie got away an hour after the rest of us) Wigan-mark and all his kit (I thought I was bad) 2 garmins laptop ipod speakers etc etc.
Now we are showered the air is clearer. Out of the window we can see the valley below – Bonar Bridge in the distance and the hills with the wind farm that we first saw in the distance on the other side.
Also spotted today a sign saying ‘SOUTH TO INVERNESS!!’
We have made fantastic northerly progress in recent days..
Off to supper, an ale or two and early to bed….
Hit the North coast tomorrow!!
I am now further North than at any point in my life...
80.2m 5h50m at 13.7mph 4398ft climb TOTAL 857 miles

Wednesday, 9 September 2009

9/9/09 Day 9 up to Invagarry 96 miles

The day started bright & cool. The sun rising over the hills across the Loch glinting on the lone Guardsman War Memorial. We’d been warned that this was a tough day starting with a long stiff climb out of Invarary. Most of us circled the town once or twice to warm up then tackle the hill. Starting steep there followed a long slow drag up to 700ft over 7 miles or so. On the climb it rained but as we descended down to Loch XXX the ruins of Castle Kilcher with towering hills beyond. We then skirted the Loch with the railway. In the warm sunshine and gentle breeze we sped along past lovely Hotels houses & more ruins. In the pass of Brander the road had been built out over the water’s edge.
There was a topical surprise. As we approached the morning drink spot under the bridge at Connel we were greeted by strains of the bagpipe! A bloke had been practising over the road in his house & Jason had invited him over. Nice touch.
Around & over the bridge we went turning North again & picking up the SW wind. Lunch wasn’t far, just on the banks of Loch Creran where we all squeezed under the gazebo as the rain fell. Some of us went along the new cycle path, then out over the bridge, and into the wind to Portnacroish. We had Fort William in our sights..this is seriously ‘North’ now
We passed through the centre of Fort William – AndyH needed some new cleats. The ‘bike’ shop didn’t have any!!! Outside we met two chaps who were on the way South. With extremely heavy bikes & baggage they were making slow progress…it’ll be as long way for them to get to Cornwall. Along the way we have waved to many other small groups of JOGLErs passing south…
Our afternoon water stop was to be at the commando Memorial up the hill just after Spean Bridge. The run through to there was sunny warm & wind assisted…magic!
This memorial is a huge bronze statue depicting 3 commando soldiers. Big in every sense this magnificent memorial really displays their qualities, as they stare out over the cloud topped Ben Nevis across the valley.
The descent down to, and along the banks of Loch Lochy was fast & beautiful – Tim & I raced back trying to get my average to 15mph – this was achieved..but lost as we tried to find the Lodge.
Invagarry Lodge has several rooms with bunks – large kitchen, sitting room, and dining area. We were treated to a fantastic meal of jacket potato & trimmings + haggis! All cooked by the DA lads – thanks.
There’s been a lot of banter & facebook activity. Also Andy-Pro won the foot ball sweepstake for third goal. (it already being 2-0 by the time we finished supper)
I had a visit from Jane (who works at my Practice) & her husband, who happen to have been camping nearby.

97.1m 6h30m at 14.9mph 3976ft climb
TOTAL 777m TOTAL CLIMB 36181ft

8/9/09 Day 8 storm alert Dunoon ferry 78 miles

Another epic day. The forecast last night for this am was appalling for this part of the UK. Down in London there was to be sunshine & 27 degrees – up in West Scotland there would be rain * force 7-8 gales. The ferry was even under threat.
Last night we all took on plenty of Calories (food) & carbs (beer) in preparation.
The morning started dark wet windy. As we pulled away from the Premier Inn we were immediately soaked. The first 11 miles were in a westerly direction – and starting on B roads battling with School traffic we were soon out on the busy A78 towards Ardrossen. This was more exposed & the SW wind & rain lashed in on us relentlessly – in the distance great breakers could be seen on the shore. Eventually we descended to the sea front & turned northwards. Despite being full of water the gale force wind pushed us on rapidly up past West Kilbride & on to Largs. We were speeding along at ‘Tour de France’ pace ie 25+mph for large section. We forgot how wet we were & just enjoyed the breathtaking views & elements. I think the endorphins were kicking in big-time & everyone was saying how little discomfort they were feeling – I was even overtaken by Wigan-Mark who seemed to have found several extra gears.
I was mainly riding with Wirrel-Phil Mitchel Bro!-Simon (I have been dubbed the other Mitchel bro’), Third Mitchel Bro’ Andy H the lovers Dave & Susie. The pros (devon boys & pocket rocket Rob) along with Mad Simon, Andy-Arsenal, & Novice-Tim AKA Niel in recognition of his years as a Hippi! He still hasn’t had any haggis yet.. The Pro's were taking it a little easier after yesterdays fast madness (They pushed it all day averaging >17mph over 96 miles – Simon & Andy managed to power away from them before lunch!!! They took ‘em on & did the business!!)
The tea at a wet blustery car park in Largs was quickly taken and with a ferry to catch we pushed on. About 18 of us got there around 1100 & boarded the 1125. Fortunately the ferry was running despite conditions but a bit of gale force doesn’t bother this crew. Just as we pulled out Dave the Rave & Jerry the Pacemaker pulled up. They & the remaining riders got the 1225. In the event the crossing wasn’t too uncomfortable.
From here on it really felt & looked like ‘real’ Scotland. It absolutely tipped it down big time as we pulled out of Dunoon. The roads were awash with rain – the whole day everyone took it carefully around corners & roundabouts – it felt like we were cycling on wet glass..
At Rashfeld we saw the DA van & great mugs of soup bread cheese meats biscuits chocolate fruit crisps were devoured by us locusts.
I realised that at this point we were about 300 miles from John O’Groats ie distance from London-Paris!
At that point the rain abated a bit & the ride up Loch Eck can only be described as magical. It’s clear (slightly peat stained) waters lapping up to the road. Water cascading down from the steep hills on our right. There was even a few minutes of sunshine as we sped northwards.
Up & over a hill we descended down to the shores of Loch Fyne & turning right the whitewashed buildings of Invarary could be seen only 2 miles or so across the water. We had a superb ride of 22 miles along the southern shore up & around past the Oyster Restaurant (looked like quite a few were partaking of a few…YUK!!), then along the northern shore into a stiff breeze. At times through the trees the buildings of Invarary were glimpsed. Within a mile of the Hotel we were overtaken by Jason & our gear – terrific timing as usual by the DA lads!
At the narrow steep one way bridge Jason had passed through a green light only to meet an idiot in a van coming the other way. Skilfully (!) he reversed the van & trailer (eventually) and let him through. The lorry behind us hooted just as I started to get going. He was held up by the police on the other side & we were able to give him a bit of feedback about his impatience & rudeness….
Big thanks from me to AndyH & Tim for their company – we were all feeling a bit tired over the last 20 miles & pulled each other through. Many times each of us has found support from one or two of the other riders. Most notable Gerry who grinds along and can ‘pull’ any weary person for many a mile more than they could otherwise
The road up the way (fortunately NOT where we are going) has had a massive landslide & may be closed for months so they say.
Invarary looks an incredible place as it juts out into the Loch. This must’ve been a centre of Clan ‘government’ in the past as the buildings are quite grand and there is a big prison. We are off to a real ale pub & I’m sure there’ll be opportunity to chat to some of the locals.
On paper today would appear to be easy – shorter with less climbs – but the conditions were challenging. So not as difficult as Dartmoor but the scenery was spectacular & a taste of what is to come.

78.45m 4h59m at 15.7mph 1728ft TOTAL 681.3m 46h43m pedalling total climb 32205ft

Monday, 7 September 2009

7/9/09 Day 7 'brutal' day 96 miles ..into Scotland

left Carlisle - nice easy 30mile run through to Dumpfries
We slipped int Scotland underbelly along a small B road after leaving Gretna Green

For the 10 mile run in I was on my own it was drizzling wet & dull but as we approached the border the sun came out

I felt overwhelmed with what we had all achieved is such a short time

My thoughs were about My Mum, My Dad, Brendan, Claire, Colette, Samantha, Emma, I felt a welling up of emotion. As I crossed over the motorawy down to the border I could hardly see for the tears - Tears of joy tears of sadness - the pain in my bum/legs/shoulders just faded. It's a feeling I cannot describe - I write this in haste on a broowed PC after a fantastic meal & a few beers.

The rest of the day was just awesome. Even at Dumpfries at 33mile the sign said 63 miles to Kilmarnock!! But the sun shone & we pulled each other through - even after 80 miles my legs felt good and Tim & I raced home full pelt the last 10 miles

Will write more & put some pictures on when in Invarary after I hopefully get my pc lead back.

These other 26 cyclists & also our 3 DA support team are are fantastic bunch one & all - I have spent time with all these people & they all have their reasons/agenda for being here. Any pain or discomfort we experience means nothing.

Tomorrow is predicted to be wet & be it..after Dartmoor..after 41 hours in saddle then we'll take it - hopefully the ferries will run - otherwise it's a long detour around via Glasgow.

Will post more later night night awesome day......


After a pretty leisurely 30 miles to lunch along the B721 & B 724 via Annan we passed around the Dumfries bypass. A busy road that passed over the river Nith on three occasions within less than a mile as it meandered it towards the sea.
There was an interesting incident in Annan when some bikes were spotted in a café on the other side of the road. I waved, assuming they were the Pros but realised it was another group of cyclists. Tim embarrassingly admitted he assumed the same and was giving them the V sign!! Luckily they’ye were travelling the other way..
The road to Kilmarnock (63 miles said the sign) would run up the Nith valley.
During this slow climb the sun came out & we enjoyed the warmth & light winds.
The lunch spot was very picturesque as we lay in the sun listening to the river close by.
We were told the oldest pub in the world was in the next village of Sanquhar so we went into a world of loud drunk Rab C Nisbet characters (reminded me of the Trades & Labour Club in Corby!). We then found out it wasn’t the oldest pub but the oldest post office in the World 1723 I think it was…. Any way it was worth it for a nice cold pint of McEwans 10 /- and a bit of entertainment!
On & up the valley a few of us cut through Cumnock. We were all weary & grateful of the tea break shortly after.
Along this stretch we met Jerry-the-younger – previously in Tiverton having started his lone LEJOG doing our day 1 & 2 in one day!!. He had been having some adventures including sleeping in a Church without supper as all the B&B’s were booked up. He wrapped himself in some old curtains tp keep warm! He’s planning to nip over to the Ilse of Arran, go around it & then continue north…just for the hell of it! He enjoyed some coffee & cake & was on his way We may meet him later in Invergarry (Wed – this is a bunk house where we have to self cater – The DA boys are doing supper)
In the last 15 miles there was some descent & Tim & I had a second wind – although weary our legs felt strong and we raced back each pushing the other on covering the last 7 miles in 20 minutes! Drenched in sweat the hot deep bath felt fantastic.
With supper >2hrs away once more we feasted on various stodge as well as the necessary carbohydrate replacement…..

96.9m 6h30m at 14.9mph 3158ft climb TOTAL 602.85m

Saturday, 5 September 2009

6/9/09 Day 6 ...up Shap Fell after Kendall (we'll get the mintcake in+++) 87 miles

Here I sit at 0600 on Sunday morning, Dave having made a nice cup of coffee. Just getting ready for an exiting day

Firstly by tonight we will be halfway. Secondly we will be close to leaving England. We are all very exited about the days ahead in Scotland.
Our route is >100 miles further than the minimum possible but will be taking the scenic route. Passing through Kilmarnock we will go up the west coast over a ferry at Gourock & up via Loch Ness.

Last night the talk was of how much less pain we are in compared to end of tough Day 2. Our bodies are getting used to the daily 'punishment' - we are all enjoying every minute & can't quite believe that we are in Preston already.
Our motivations to do this trip definitely have a personal angle. But there are many stories of lost friends & family that have pushed us to test ourselves to the limit.
Personally I have been thinking of my dad who died in 2005 - he would have been very excited about my trip. My mother died last June after a short illness & diagnosis of lung cancer. She said that I was crazy & shouldn't do such a trip "at your age!" I've been thinking about Claire & Brendan - two great friends from my student days at St Mary's, who both died in skiing accidents.I've been thinking about the three patients of mine who died in their thirties of various cancers last year.
Every village War memorial we pass makes me think of all those young men who were denied the chance to live, have a family, love & be loved. To do crazy challenging things. The freedom of the road in sun shine wind can be exhilarating (certainly trying to catch crazy-Simon down a hill well as being impossible!) Even in all the training this summer I would often stop, drink, and contemplate near village memorials.
Today we have a flattish 50 miles - once past Kendal we have a long slow climb up Shap Fell - We've been told it's a long grind. After Dartmoor & the 1000ft hill before Shrewsbury we are sure we can take this in our stride! on to breakfast......and the open road is good....

2130 ..what a day!
The first section was a real chillin' ride for the first 25miles until the first drink stop. I was with novice-Tim most of the way - we just breezed along at a steady effortless 15mph. Dave & Nikki must've gone at it quite hard as they caught us up. The Pro's left late but I kept looking in my mirror and lust like Butch Cassidy "who are those guys?" they loomed up & sped past. Crazy-Simon had kept with them for this 17+mph section. At one point near Carnforth we could see the sea. The ride through Lancaster was superb - being quiet on a Sunday morning. The stone buildings stained with years of Victorian coal fires gave the town a uniform appearance that was ageless with minimal modern crap buildings. As we weaved up the road the Lancashire canal kept us company as we crossed it a number of times…one day I’ll take a boat along this section.
In the back of all our minds was the infamous Scap Fell climb so we were all reserving some capacity in our aching muscles. Through Kendal we stopped for the obligatory Mint Cake to power us up. Phil spotted the scantly clad young lady sheepishly sneaking home - Susie recognised the behaviour as having stayed out - probably not knowing where she woke up. Nikki today seemed to have been on speed today as she powered along - the secret she told me was ‘Muse’ on her mp3 player!
Along the way we've had some encouragement from the locals as well as a fare share of abuse. I had an ignorant idiot try to push me out of a lane as we approached some light having signalled - I shook my head but wound him up by totally ignoring his coarse abuse & swearing!
As we approached the climb the weather closed in & the rest of the day was cold but mainly dry.
The ascent was superb..I'll say that again "the ascent was superb!"
The scenery was out of this world and the road designer had put small flat, even downhill, ‘respite’ sections between the climbs. I felt overwhelmed with emotion as I though of my Mum & how she would have loved this place - the tears flowed as the pedals turned, for once, painlessly & the climb to 1350ft (from 150ft) was achieved. A long grind with the riders stretched out thinly, all in their own ‘zone’.
The run down to lunch was swift thrilling but cold as our sweat soaked clothes chilled in the wind
We all shivered at lunch - hot tomato pasta & soup warmed the bones.
We ran down rapidly, and shivering, through Penrith & along the A6 (old roman road) to Carlisle. The last 10 miles were tough and felt longer. Eventually Carlisle was sighted & we passed through this rather grotty Town to the Hotel in the north of the place.
Looking at the map of the UK none of us can believe where we have got to in so little time!
The promised Jacuzzi was huge disappointment "It smells of piss" Tim
So showers & with time to kill off to the pub for Ale & stodge.
Nice supper & off to bed - Scotland tomorrow!!!
Thanks to Mark II for loan of laptop to do this blog - will add pics when I get my lead which is being forwarded to Invarary....hopefully
87m 5h59 at 14.6mph total 505m PAST HALF WAY!
Ale of the Day - Dougalie Caledonian Classic light ale with flowery aroma & sharp aftertaste 17/20

5/9/09 Day 5 from Shropshire to Lancashire 90 miles

The meal at the Hotel was excellent and we all wearily went to bed.
Unfortunately my night was disturbed by frequent bouts of diarrhoea. Apparently this sort of ‘liquid’ epidemic has occurred before on LEJOG trips. My theory is that it’s the splash up from wet roads of all the sheep/cow faeces…..
The morning cycle was done with clenched buttocks but fortunately it seems to have passed through. Lunch break loo stop only produced ….wind! What a relief!
Poor old George had to sit out today’s ride after a third night of trouble – as the day progressed he was looking better for the rest. I think everyone felt stiff & sore as we set off in a large group in sunshine round the Shrewsbury one way system.
Out past the 1403 battlesite, and village called….Clive!! Through Wem on a fairly quiet B 5476. Once we got to Whitchurch we joined the A49 and this would take us all the way to Preston.

There was 60 miles until the lunch stop and the clouds built & temperature dropped. Today the undulations were mild (I only used my ‘Granny’ gear (small front sprocket) once. Lunch, in a sports centre car park, was welcome, including some of Simon’s fish & chips! Ahead lay the ‘battle’ through 3 major cities – Warrington/Wigan & Preston itself. With numerous traffic lights & challenging roundabouts we dodged & weaved ‘mad-dog’ fashion.

Out past Haydock Racecourse the sign said NEXT METTING - TODAY! I was tempted.... There was one minor incident when Jerry was knocked over by a drunk ‘St Trinian’ girl (bloke in drag)who were out collecting money for some charity. She stepped out into the cycle lane but seemed to think it was Jerry’s fault! No harm done thank goodness and Phil managed to avoid a full scale argument/fisticuffs! Other St Trinian’s were ladies old enough to know better than to flash their knickers at us!!

Through a place called Charnock Richard there was a surreal exhibition for many miles to do with their scarecrow festival. From cricketers to surgeons operating and Miss Muffet as well as a Bentley complete with Wedding couple. Very imaginative clever & helped us get through those miles - which had become somewhat chilly - our sweat soaked clothes cooled as we speed through. This section I had ridden before on the Manchester to Blackpool ride, but my head injury had erased all memory of this. At one point the road loops around an inviting looking Golf Course.

Coming into Preston Tim Steve, and myself got slightly lost, ending up on a very pleasant (apart from the cow-shit) track along the river. As we climbed a steep slippery slope I slipped & fell onto Tim’s pedal – ripping my shorts and grazing my R buttock – much to the amusement of the car drivers as we headed out of Preston to the Ibis Hotel. (wound update 6/9/09 superficial graze only..won't affect cycling)
Today we had a nice westerly ie neutral wind and made great progress, a lot of it in a large group as we whizzed through towns & villages. Gerry set the pace (ha ha) alot of the day. My Garmin helped navigate through. Yorkshire John was often away with his music. AndyH is having a bit of knee trouble & his support is helping There is no race or time pressure. Jason Stuart & Matt are happy to wait until everyone is through the break points.
Today the Pros stuck with the group. Tomorrow they are planning some sort of masochistic 30 addition mile diversion including a 25% hill! Dave had got himself a knee support - Nikki has an ankle support and along with Wigan-Mark (of tilted head and lucozade fetish/addiction Does he shoot it in iv??) Lincoln-Dave and Fliss who had an adventurous time after lunch. She became detached from the group - kindly local man Mark doubled back to look for her. In the event she had taken her own route & beat him to the welcome Cup of Tea stop in Euxton!!

After showers & as the dreary England friendly played on the TV (2-1 v Slovenia) some pool was played - Pro-Andy showed his class with a good finish.
Supper was next door in the pub - most of us had a hearty (16oz.) steak. The mood of the group is very high - we are nearly half way and after 2 days heading due north we feel now like we are making some real progress.
The first 3 days were in a sideways direction but now we are heading NORTH for our destination. Simon has gone home for the night & slept in his own bed!
So on a Saturday night we all headed for bed before 2200!!
I went to see MarkII who after a day back in the saddle was suffering again with sweats & shits. Hopefully it'll flush through before morning..
ALE OF THE Day... N/A draught Grolsch at the Ibis - very refreshing
89.9m 6h08m at 14.65mph
(shorter blog need to save power as I've stupidly left PC mains lead at last Hotel...will ask for it to be posted on.. or new one from PCWorld...)

Friday, 4 September 2009

4/9/09 Day 4 back into England... 92 miles

Long day in the saddle today with some tough sections. On these rides there a phases of relative comfort & joy, along with painful tough periods. We had a few westward direction sections that went straight into the cold westerly wind – more like the ‘Ice Maidens revenge’ than yesterdays ‘Angel Breath’!
Last night’s meal was an excellent Steak o’poivre. All of us have tremendous appetites & devour vast quantities of food!
It was early to bed again..asleep before 2200!! In the morning it was good to see Gerry up & about. Steve said his Dad had had a rough night but was determined to keep going. Mark2 also had the runs & decided to sit out the day in the van.
Typical Breakfast would be 6 weetabix/full English/4-5 slices toast washed down with Juice & coffee!
We started off for the first few miles along the Wye valley – it’s steep wooded sides more suited to a Scandinavian landscape – as we twisted along through picturesque villages easing the stiffness out of our muscles (well trying to anyway) . Wigan-Mark was relieved to obtain his fix (lucozade) at the first village store!
On & down into Monmouth where my group got a little lost but had the opportunity to ride down, and then up, the main street! Out onto the Hereford road we climbed, with aching calves/thighs & bums. I’m still amazed how these muscles keep working despite the punishment. We crossed back into England; our stay in Wales was short. The road (A466) winds up through a wide broad green valley, with many apple orchards adding a cider aroma to the air.
After the drinks break at Wormolow I joined the ‘Pros’ (they are now 5 with the ‘promotion’ of ‘ice bath-Stu’ and ‘maddog-Paul’ as we shot through busy Hereford – Paul demonstrating his crazy ‘London-Style’ way of dealing with traffic ie ignore it!! The hill out of Hereford sorted the men out from the boys and they disappeared off into the horizon.
We turned left up the A 4110. During this section we were buffeted by the ever stronger crosswinds and the lunch stop seemed a million miles away. The earlier peloton had strung out as we attempted to keep the old legs turning, and standing/shifting on the saddle to get some relief. Eventually I arrived at Leintwardine and saw the DA van! As we rolled wearily in the relief on the new arrivals faces told the story of that tough section.
I must pay credit to Jason, Stuart & Matt who are looking after us superbly. There are ahead setting up the drink/lunch stops as well as providing good mechanical back up. Steven had a spoke break on a fast downhill stretch – he was worried the wheel would just disintegrate but luckily it held. They fix punctures, sort new break blocks out and many other jobs to keep man (and woman) and machine rolling. In the end he was able to ‘borrow’ a spare wheel!
Room mate Dave has a sore knee, and Nikky-Nakky-noo has a bad ankle – much helped by a massive dose of ibuprofen from Jason. Maddog then guided us out on the B roads heading into the wind for Bishops Cross. This would be the site of the ‘Paris’ moment being 300 miles from Land’s End and the same distance as London-Paris.
Once on the A488 the wind was slightly at our backs and the pace picked up. The climb was long and we got to a cold 1045ft. We had a few showers to contend with. The ride down Hope Valley was the best descent yet – thrilling, fast & sweeping, and with dry roads we flew safely down to a welcome cup of tea at the bottom. Probably the ‘descent’ of the trip (Clive 13/9/09)
Coming into Shrewsbury 8-9 of us stopped at a welcoming pub & savoured the local ‘Black Sheep’ ale – a lively oaky brew 16/20. Simon promptly fell off as we left, to great amusement, but the only harm was to his pride!
The ride into the Lord Hill Hotel was busy but safely negotiated.Most of us are staying in the new wing in the Car park. I was sitting in the bar amongst a wedding party and was given a large glass of wine by a the somewhat tipsy daughter of the Groom (he was 74y!)

91.8m 6h30m at 14.1mph 4660ft climb max speed 40.1mph TOTAL 327m TOTAL CLIMB 19880ft

Thursday, 3 September 2009

3/9/09 Day 3 ..into Wales... 88.5miles

Terrific meal last night at 'The Globe' Everyone on a high after surviving all that was thrown at us yesterday! There was a result! Paul had a visit from his sister Julie who lived locally - she offered to dry our wet gear overnight...and left with 2 bin bags full!!
They were duly returned at 0800 - MANY THANKS that saved days of drying... Dave had arrived safely at about 1800 having left all his 'peloton' at the Travelodge up the road. Me & 'Dad' had got him a bath ready! Bed & fast asleep before 2200 again...
Usual 'full English in the morning and there was a staggered start. I actually 'guested' with the pros for the first hour and learned a few of their SHORTCUTS!! This involved going through rather than round Wellington. After that..they were gone in the distance & carried out their plan to add 12 miles to their day by going UP Cheddar George.
Through busy Taunton mainly dodging the showers, in mostly sunny weather warming our souls. One early hill was proving tiring but suddenly the tail wind picked up & felt like Angel's breath easing us to the summit! jelly baby break at North Petherton. Then the best section so far as we got onto quieter roads with tail winds through pretty villages including Bason Bridge, Wedmore (caught in quick shower there) & Cocklake.
The steep hills ahead & Cheddar George loomed ominously. We knew lunch was at the top at Shipham. A steep climb but after yesterdays antics we all took it in our stride. Then a down in gusty wind to Clevedon (it's got a vowel wrong!) Then a lovely narrow street for 5-6 miles to Clapton-in-Gordano - at point close to the M5 which had been our companion all day.

I have the honour of being the first to have a puncture...and the second (after a 5 minute tube switch) 10 minutes later. This time my rear tyre was cut so a replacement gratefully received from the 'spares'

Then over the Scary Avon Bridge and through some grotty industrial areas, but again a strong wind at our back. At this point the two Severn Crossings were well in view, and the wind seemingly getting stronger as we approached. Eventually we got up onto the cycleway in what seemed to be a full gale from our left. In fact it was close to being unridable as we were buffeted with tremendous force. I'm not quite sure how we got across upright...I'm not sure what 'planB' was if the cycleway was closed Then quite a long climb up out past Chepstow Racecourse. At this point I felt a bit weak & jelly legs. After a nut bar & the rest of my drink I really enjoyed the 'magical' sweeping run down into Tintern, with it's lush valley walls and picturesque Abbey ruins. Dave & I were to be up the road but Jason managed to negotiate a room here at the George. Dave's just rolled in having also had a fantastic days ride.

Thanks to our navigator Paul who also did most of the 'point' work. He's also uploaded the correct route files for my routes were a bit out to say the least...

Special mention must be made for father & son duo George & Steve from Bath.
“The Boys from Bath”. They are riding in memory of George's wife Fliss who died on 1/1/08. They still hadn't arrived as we sat down to supper. Word was that George had terrible D&V for most of the day. Jason had wanted to pick them up in the van but George repeatedly refused! Eventually as darkness ensued they arrived to a standing ovation. Hopefully they will rehydrate & the bug washes through. Old Gerry missed supper too with a bit of a stomach bug - he's being nursed by his room mate Florence AKA 'the Wirril-Phil'
We think this cycling lark is pretty good & might give it a go! A few of us were chatting & today we really felt we will do this trip. All those miles ahead of us fill us with excitement & anticipation!
Looking forward to another big supper .(well we are burning 6000 calories+ each day) ALE OF THE DAY - Dursley Steam Bitter (Gloucester) hoppy fresh refreshing 16/20
88.5m 5h52 at 15.1mph TOTAL 236.9m 15000ft climb

Girl with panniers one of two that are doing LEJOG independently who crossed with us.

Wednesday, 2 September 2009

2/9/09 Day 2 Liskheard to Sampford Peverall (Four seasons in one day....well three!)

One of the toughest days I've ever had in the saddle, but consequently one of the most rewarding. We made an earlier start after a hearty breakfast. Phil had come down & slept in the lounge to escape his room-mates x2 snoring! He looked like death warmed up!
I was billeted with Dave & the amazing old Gerry. At 71y he has often led & set the pace for our group!! The lot from the Premier Inn came along at 0830 & we set off. The 18 miles to Tavistock had a few nasty hills, especially after we crossed the Tamar into our second County - Devon.
The break was in Tavistock with Dartmoor looming up ahead. A local on his bike warned us NOT to go up there on a day like today "people die up there!" With this cheery & optimistic advice we set of - what choice do we have? It was an incredible climb up to 1500 feet - thankfully the rain (which stayed with us the rest of the day) didn’t hit us until we were up at the top. Billowing clouds of mist & rain swept across (again thankfully from behind us) creating a dramatic atmosphere.
After a welcome lunch (our leader Jason used to be a chef - so meats salad pasties & hot coffee, along with the ever present jelly babies, bolstered our reserves for the next 40 miles in) . There was spectacular terrain, and picturesque scenes e.g. Three Bridges – but with the wind & wet we pressed on.
The descent in dark pissing heavy rain was a white knuckle heart pounding ring twitching roller coaster ride - with dramatic views (and drops!) I focussed on the road ahead, kept gentle pressure on the brakes and we all descended safely. (44.4 mph on one terrifying stretch was the fastest of the whole trip!!)
Coming into Exeter there were a few big hills which weren't appreciated! After a welcome cup of cocoa & some more jelly babies we struggled through busy Exeter, getting slightly lost (my fault) but before the lynch mob got to me I managed to navigate to a B8131 Broadclyst sign (and I was saved!) This road winds up with the M5. Conditions by now were pretty terrible with heavy rain, a lot of water on the road - but we all admitted that despite this we were happy to be where we were! We weren't cold & I could feel the sunshine within!
Our group was Simon(still going too fast down hill) Dave & Susie, 'The Wirral' Phil, 'Dad' Gerry, 'Yorkshire' John +'novice' Tim . 'The Professionals' declared at breakfast that they were going to chill out at the back! As predicted within 7-8mins they were...OFF!! Being local to the area they know all the shortcuts!!!!
Gerry & I are at The Globe Hotel here in Sampford Peverell - just had a nice bath & nice pile of wet gear - not sure how we can get it even partially dry. No sign of 'van driver' Dave yet. [Fella at breakfast asked him if he drove the van!!(he was in all his cycle gear!!!) Ha Ha Dave said he'd take it as a compliment!]
Looks a nice old fashioned type pub downstairs with a pool table. Some guys at the Travelodge but like last night we will eat together... it's here! Last night we ate....and were all tucked up in bed by 2145...asleep by 2150! Looking forward to a flatter, more productive (in respect of mileage) day as we head up into Wales! We feel the eastward, not Northerly progress...
Legs back etc tired but holding out OK - the training is paying off so far ....time for a pint of some nice Somerset brew OTTER AMBER.... ..but..
ALE OF THE DAY - Exmoor 'Gold' Fabulously rich smooth texture thick head best so far 19/20
73.6m 5h40m at 13mph 5526ft of climb TOTAL 148.2m 11369ft CLIMB

Tuesday, 1 September 2009

1/9/09 day 1 Land's End to Liskheard 74.6m

Woke about 0500! Breakfast not until 0730 - managed to get back off to sleep - packed up & hearty breakfast in beautiful sunshine! We were coached to Lands End, all pleased to see the sharp SW wind that would help us all day. We picked up, and got the first stamp, on the End-to-ender passport (I hope there's a tie at the end of this...) Then the obligatory photo at the 'sign' - without the sign on because the bloke was a miserable git and we didn't want to give him any money... Then we set off - it all felt very surreal as we peddled along with ease in the wind. I reckon a small sail each would've been useful!! It felt like we were on one of those Airport rolling travelators.It only really got hilly past Penzance - we caught a good view of St Michaels Mount out in the bay. Drink stop at Beeble allowed us to top up on fluids, bananas, & jelly babies!! We all commented how deceptively easy it was, perhaps lulled into false sense of security with the tail wind. This is a marathon not a sprint so an easy-ish start was most welcome. Although the last 15miles included some big climbs. There are a few groups forming - the professionals AKA Rob Keith & Andy. A middle group with myself, 'mad downhill' Simon, 'mountain bike 'Phil - 'Old Man' Gerry - 'novice' Tim, 'I need a pee' Susie & few others I'm not sure of their names. Already there seems to be a good team feel of the 26. We are split between a nice family run Hotel Nebula in Liskheard, with some unlucky riders in the ‘corporate’ Travellodge up the road. Just had a great bath - body feels tired but shoulders/neck/wrists OK. We're off for a supper together at 2000 - then early night. Looks like a big climb onto Dartmoor tomorrow & descent could be a bit hairy - Don't worry folks I'll hang onto the handlebars & do a controlled descent!!

ALE OF THE DAY - N/A only draught Red Stripe Still pretty good though
74.6m 5h01m at 14.86mph TOTAL 74.6m 5800ft climb

Monday, 31 August 2009

31/8/09 We're just here in St Just - few miles from Land's End..

Uneventful journey down - met a few fellow LEJOGers at Paddington. They set off on the 1206 & I waited for the 1306 meeting up with Andy & another lone LEJOGGER on a new bike with only 2 panniers!
Eventually met at Penzance Station by Jason in a big van. Fantastic steak at The Wellington Hotel as chatter turned to all things bike/hills/rain etc.
Breakfast 0730 & off for photos at LE 0900. There is a predicted strong (AND WET) SW wind. #
And Wednesday on Dartmoor predicted to be poor weather before things ease off....We have no choice but to get on with it
Any nice 3 pints of 'Tinners Cornish Bitter' and an early night.
Room-mate dave just commented that this should be 'the ride of our lives!'
ALE OF THE DAY - Tinners Bitter (Cornwall) lightly sparkled cool slips down easily

Sunday, 30 August 2009

30/8/09 packing (and eating!)

bag packed - lots of lists & ticks
feel pretty nervous at this stage - legs feel like jelly - will they do the 70-80 hrs of peddling ahead of me?
I know the neck & upper back will be sore...
...but I cant wait to just get started
Weather forecast for SW looks pretty bad for Tue/Wed...wind direction however looks OK.
We'll just have to deal with being soaking wet up on Dartmoor!!

Now off for preparitory & farewell fat juicy steak!

I really+++ appreciate all the support I've had from Ali & the rest of my family. Without them I could not now be setting out on ths big ' adventure'.
It's into the physically unkown for me & I'm expecting to visit some interetsting & difficult physical & psychological places....

Thursday, 27 August 2009

27/8/09 ...last ride..

...well that's it for the training...
1800+ miles in the past 6 months or so...some tough days, paticularily the Norwich 100 in June (but September type weather)
did the same circuit as on 20/8. Pushed quite hard & managed to squeeze under the hour. Blustery tonight.
Fellow LEJOGGER on the discoveradventure website reckons the long range forecast is for fine weather with brisk SW wind (GOOD), but wet & crap in Scotland(BAD)! By then we should be hardened to whatever the weather can throw at us...
Got my list - starting to get the gear together. Just want to get started now...
16.5m 59m41s at 16.6mph

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

26/8/09 bike serviced...packing started...ready to go

Getting close now - I can't believe how generous everyone is being - I've already hit my target and there is still alot of cash donations from work & the Church (thanks Ali) to bank
- can I again say a massive THANK YOU to all my sponsors...

Bike went back to Pittsford Cycles today for a good service/lube/check up - so she's ready to go...and I feel rested & ready too. Just one more ride planned for tomorrow evening..

24/8/09 Penultimate ride on a lovely calm summer evening. Planned to do a leasurely 30 miler. Headed out past Rothwell, Harrington to Kelmarsh. Then down the A road past Lamport to Brixworth & home via Old & , for a change, Pytchley just as darkness fell. As I started my legs felt heavy but once warmed up they felt strong throughout...
28.7m 1h47 @ 16.3mph

Monday, 24 August 2009

24/8/09 week to go...

- cant wait to get started - have had a few rest days off the saddle
-I have a long list of..items to to do...get bike serviced etc etc
Will try to get a few short rides in this week.

THANKS AGAIN..I'm really pleased with the volume & rate of sponsorship coming in...I KNOW that every penny will help motivate me through the difficult times.
I hope thay are few, and that we can all enjoy the experience. I certainly aim to remain positive throughout, and keep smiling whatever challenges present themselves to me!
I really want to get a good feel for the places we pass through..... all feels a bit of a dream at the moment....

Thursday, 20 August 2009

20/8/09 back in the saddle

Felt strange to go three whole days without a cycle!!
Battled out against a strong wind on my Rothwell-Harrington circuit passing the Kettering CC time trialers coming the opposite way. Felt easy & comfortable, so I pushed it on the last few miles home.
Getting all my stuff together & plotting the route. I'm not quite sure how the navigation works but I sure as hell want the whole route in my Garmin. If there's technical problems etc it might be easy to get left behind...I do not want to wast time in getting lost.
A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who has sponsored me so far...the total is building up nicely.

I've been asked about my saddle (!) In fact I'm just using the Bontrager one that came with the bike. Once I'd fiddled about with the height & angle of dangle, it's been very comfortable. I did consider the Brooks leather but just haven't felt it necessary.
16.5m 1h3m at 15.6mph

Tuesday, 18 August 2009

17-19/8/09 packing preparation & rest

getting bits together
worked all Monday, busy Tue & did night shift.
ie long time for a ride
Got myself a pump...that works!

Thought I'd try posting a movie! Looks like it worked...will do some clips on the trip.

Monday, 17 August 2009

16/8/09 Woodcote Southern Sportive 82 miles

Final big 'workout' before the off. Chosen as it is known as a 'tough' route as it crosses the Chilterns back & forth several times. Some real calf busting lung testing steep buggers too!

Slept in ruby ip the road by the Thames allowing me to get to start early & get going. The usual 'flock' of lycra clad loonies murmuring quietly in anticipation of the challange ahead. This distance matches the 'average' daily mileage I'll need to keep to, and with 5000ft of climbing replicates many of our days.

Sunny & warm we all shot off mainly down hill the first few miles. Soon we were out into the great expanse of the magnificent Oxfordshire countryside. Along the way we came across some large combine harvesters...some quite suddenly!

A few miles in a fella asked how I was..."You OK Clive?" What? I assumed he'd read my name on my helmet but in fact it was a fellow LEJOGer Stuart. He's been on the lookout for a bloke in red, on a blue bike..and the only bike with a rear mudguard!! as spotted in the blog picture.

We took a steady pace. The hills were very steep both ways with some difficult descents too. These tended to be from bright sunshine into dark woods with loose gravel (I HATE GRAVEL!!) and speckled shadows making it hard to spot the treacherous pot holes. The UK roads are generally rubbish, and very hazardous...from a cyclist point of view.

It got hotter & harder but I was ok until the last 10 miles or so as my feet & neck ached. In all I took on over 4 litres of fluid as the sweat flowed!

This quickly recovered once finished & after a good cup of tea.

The bike performed well and in the last couple of weeks before the off I'll be doing mainly short sharp rides. Also to get bike serviced, buy a few spares & get packed up.

Fundraising takes centre stage......
82.5m 5h31m at 14.9mph 4980ft of climb!

Saturday, 15 August 2009

14/8/09 Article in local paper

Thanks to the Kettering Evening Telegraph for publicising my fund raising efforts:-

"By David Trayner
Kettering reporter
A 50-year-old doctor is set to cycle the length of Britain in memory of his mother.
Dr Clive Shackleton, who is based at Eskdaill Medical Centre in Lower Street, Kettering, will cycle the 990 miles from Land's End to John O'Groats in 12 days in memory of his mother, who died within three weeks of being diagnosed with cancer in June.Dr Shackleton, who sets off on his challenge on September 1, said: "When times are hard and the hills are tough you need something to focus on."I feel excited but slightly anxious. I'm looking forward to getting on with it."Dr Shackleton is funding the trip himself, meaning an extra £2,000 will go to Cransley Hospice in Kettering.
He has been riding 100 to 200 miles a week around Rothwell, Loddington, Walgrave and Old, as well as Corby and Brigstock, to help him prepare for the race.He has also been competing in races around the country in preparation for the challenge, but it has not been without some drama after smashing his helmet twice in bad crashes, one of which left him unconscious and in hospital.He took his hands from the bars to stretch a few metres from the finish line in a Manchester to Blackpool race in July when a gust of wind blew him from his bike. He awoke in hospital with no memory of the incident.He said: "My right temple would have hit the road hard."
Dr Shackleton's mother did not receive care from Cransley Hospice in Kettering, which is where his money will go, because she lived in Bury St Edmunds, but he said he understood the value of the palliative care it offers patients.He said: "As a doctor I know the importance and brilliance of the hospice at helping terminally-ill patients."I'm really happy to be helping with fundraising."
Dr Shackleton and his 19-year-old son Sam completed a four-day ride from London to Paris in aid of Alzheimer's disease in 2007.
He said: "Having achieved that I thought why don't I give the big one a go?"It has always been a lifetime ambition, but I never felt it was something I could do. Now I feel that the time is right."

Monday, 3 August 2009

3/8/09 four weeks to go!

2/8/09 Well 4 weeks to go!
due to accident & holiday I feel a little behind in my training.
Over the next 14 days I plan to ride each day with organised rides on Sun 9th (Suffolk Coast 60m) and Sun 16th (Woodcote 82m). Plan is to get up to 400 miles in the next 2 weeks...
...need to get the sponsorship publicity going.
14/8/09 Friday
Frustrating unwanted rest day due to work commitments/lack of time. Duty doc in pm so home too late to get out as was a bit gloomy. Dont want to risk having an accident at this late stage.
Pleased with article in paper - reporter did well to summarise alot of my woffle into a concise 'story' Justgiving site starting to attract some sponsorship - many thanks.
13/8/09 Thursday
Calm sunny evening so decided to do 30 miles at easy pace. Headed out through Rothwel, Harrington to Kelmarsh, then up the A508 nearly to Market Harborough. Once the Garmin said 15m I turned back. With the light wind at my back and altitude attained I flew back at good speed. Legs feel stronger - I really feel that I am attaining some fitness!
15.7 58m16s at 16.2mph
12/8/09 Wednesday rest day (no choice!)
slept all morning after a night shift. Got pictures taken by local paper ar 1230 (thanks Alison). Spent afternoon trying out various new cars & worked early evening, so no opportunity to get out
11/8/09 Tuesday
Squeezed a quick pylon ride in between work, and going to see Kettering draw 1-1 with Oxford Utd. Exiting end-to-end stuff but spoilt by useless clueless referee. In the end draw is a good result. Felt strong at finish of ride. Doing night duty tonight & busy into the evening so may be a rest day tomorrow. Might get on turbotrainer in garden
12.25m 44m @ 16.6mph
10/8/09 Rest Day
Felt tired after those rides plus short of time so decided a rest day was necessary.
9/8/09 Sun - Suffolk Coast Ride.
Up at 0700. Lovely sunny morning. 9 miles to the start. set off along with several hundered others. Suprisingly there are alot of undulations in Suffolk! Some picturesque villages, and a general Olde feel to the area - like most of Britain would have been 100 years ago. I diverted off to look at the Russian Doll chrches in Cove Hithe, along with the road to nowhere! It disappears off a high cliff. Spoke to an old locall bloke who told me there was once a bungalow out there!!! - now 300y out to sea. Looking South I could see Southwold pier, & Sizewell in the distance. Feeling hungry & was grateful for a portion of chips at Southwold pier! Lovely setting, one of my favourite seaside towns. Heading south in the increasing heat I was back at the campsite by 1330 and fantastic Cup of Tea! Had another rear puncture 10 miles out, & managed to switch tubes pretty quickly this time. [Kettering FC won 1st game of season!!]
59.8m 3h50m @ 15.6mph
plus 18.4m @14.5 to & from start - 214m in 7 days
8/8/09 Sat
We all headed out to a great camspite past Woodbridge in Suffolk ready for the 'Suffolk Coast' ride tomoorow. As it was a beautiful evening I headed off to see the Orford castle. I remember seeing this when we had our Summer Holiday in Southold. Back in the 60's dad had done a full survey of this keep and mentioned it quite frequently. I have the drawings & will try to post, along with some photos I took. I sat on one of the cannons in the evening sunshine & could almost feel Dad's presence there - it was a peaceful place. Back for lovely Barbecue with Les John & Lucy, plus late night laser game in the woods.
18m 1h17m at sedate 14mph
7/8/09 Fri
What a contrast in weather - lovely cool sunny eavening. Got a bit carried away (chasing a hot air balloon!) and after Brigstock decided to head to Oundle! Getting there I realise I was over an hour away with less than an hour of daylight. And I missed a turning & strayed onto the A605 - quite unpleasant busy road. Shot back throght Thrapston and home at good speed
32m 2h4m at 16mph
6/8/09 Thu
Dull wet evening. Nearly stayed in but I put the gear on & headed out into the murky evening. Headed out to farpoint - up to Harrington & back via Rothwell. Had to cut ride slightly short as it was getting very dark! Despite extremely uncomfortable conditions I felt strong & back muscles seem to be slowly getting used to the punishment!
16.2m in 1h4m at 15.2mph [86m so far this week - 1500+m in 2009 average 7m EVERY day!]
5/8/09 Wed
Nearly stayed in bed but dragged myself out. Headed west past far point then up to Braybroke & home via Geddington & Cransley. Got very wet again in the middle section & pleased that I resisted the temptation to take a short cut home. Legs ok but alot of stiffness across my shoulders. Got 18 holes at Northampton GC this pm..I'm gonna be knackered..
Interestingly my average heartrate is now 135, was 150+ a few months ago
36m 2h28 at 14.6mph

4/8/09 Tue
Got home from work - grey horrible wet evening. before I could dissuade myself I jumped on the bike & did a quick pylon run. Heavy rain stining my face but glad to have the mudguards.
dashed out to see Kettering FC lose 18-20 in a charity game! [they did start 0-20 down vs a team of amateurs!!] Good entertainment & looks like a few good signings by Coops.
Day 1 four weeks today! feels very close now..
12.3m 44m33s at 16.5mph

3/8/09 Mon
Afer work set off via Rothwell, Harrington to Lamport & back via Old & bombed down the A43 with the strong wind at my back. Legs felt fresh & powerful & I got home with energy to spare (I should do after only 22m!) but the speed was good.
22.2m in 1h19m at 16.7mph

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

29/7/09 back to the rain...

Spent a lovely week in Crete - mostly 35deg C + and not a cloud in sight. No bike either and 'all inclusive' means plenty of local 'Zorba-Beer' and too much food. I tried to get as many melons & oranges into me.

So it was nice to head out on 'Belle' agin this morning. The rain was coming in & the second half was pissing down but the wind was at my back. Headed north up through Rothwell, continuing onto Harrington & down to Lamport, returning vie Walgrave & Old. I had wanted to do 30m+ but the conditions were pretty bad & my legs a bit lazy so felt it best not to overdo the distance.

Plan to work hard in the next 20days leading up to the 82m 'Woodcote' SouthernSportive on 16/8/09.

The tickets to Penzance & flight home from Inverness (+ currier for the bike) are all booked.

Just need to keep up & improve my fitness
22.4m in 1h48m at a slower 12.3mph

Monday, 20 July 2009

19-20/7/09 Back on the Horse again!

Good to be back on Belle again after a short hiatus

Mon 20/7/09 Flying to Crete in the morning so got up early & set off into stiff westerly wind on a bright slightly nippy morning. Battled my way to Lutterworth, not enjoying the Monday morning traffic as I took a breather at the 'Jet' roundabout. On the way back it felt like the wind had turned 180 degrees, but I think it was more the heaviness in my legs. Anyway I raced back the last 10 miles feeling confident again. First job on return was to send off the balance of the payment to DiscoverAdventure I'M COMMITTED to this madness now..there's no turning back!
Also booked train to London on 31/8 - having already secured a berth on the 1306 to Penzance from Paddington. The bike's coming home in a courier box whilst I fly back from Inverness to Luton!
49.7m 3h12m at 15.5mph
Sunday 19/7/09 Decided to head Northeast via Brigstock through Corby & back via Pipwell/Rushton. Lovely day - legs felt good. Back still stiff.
27.8m 1h43m at 16.2mph

Total Mileage 2009 = 1203 miles (probably another 100 during time Garmin was 'lost')

Friday, 17 July 2009

17/7/09 Recovery & Static Training

Felt pretty whoozy/drowsy earlier in week
Had a few quiet days to recover

Got back on the bike [having been serviced & checked for ptentially dangerous damage (all OK)] last night on the static the rain.
Felt good to be back in the saddle, and I did a stiff 90 minute workout - probably 20-25miles.
Listened to all of the latest IQ CD 'Frequency' - it's another classic

Grazes healing, new helmet purchased - I'm keen to get back on the road...

Good luck to the LEJOGGERS doing the Essex castle & London-Southend - I'm gutted to be missing them, but also realise how lucky I've been to avoid a fracture...or worse.

Off to Crete for a week - daily intesive training on my return, taking in the 'Suffolk Coast' on 9/8/09 & peaking for the Woodcote Southern Sportive on 16/8/09
Final 2 weeks will be a wind down so my legs are fresh for 1/9/09...

Monday, 13 July 2009

12/7/09 AAARRGGHH!! Manchester-Blackpool 'experience'

the day started well!
camped overnight in Ruby close to Joddrel Bank (allways wondered where it was!)
motored up to Old Trafford nice & early. Certainly alot of people about - this was a big one - number wise.
Met up with Darren (from L2P 07) and Phil (fellow LEJOGGER) - apparently there are 26 of us signed up!
The early part of the ride was rather urban & busy with dodgy wobbly part time 'cyclists'. Not far in we saw a rider being stretechered off after a fall. I remember a stop at Leigh Hall & the dark windy wet muddy exit road with silly barriers to slow us down (and knock one poor chap off)
Next thing I remember is........waking up in casualty (Blackpool) A doctor was asking me who the Prime Minister was "Thatcher!" I are a bit confused Sir maybe we should do a brain scan! I agreed.
Anyway scan clear & I was rescued by my wife & driven home...the 'fog' slowly lifting as the 'whiplash' neck pain increased & stiffened.
Apparently I'd got to within 200y of the finish..the crowds were chearing us on - I briefly raised my hands Lance Armstrong style - a gust of wind & down I went with a heavy thump. Not knocked out I tried to get back on...but fortunately the ambulance crew got me on their ambulance. As yet I remember nothing of the last 20-30miles!
Grateful thanks to Phil & Darren who looked after me, and also my bike/garmin etc - which could easily have been lost in the melee.
I've woken today with a clearer head, some stiffness in upper back muscles, grazed knees/R upper thigh & the tips of a couple of fingers scraped away. Fortunately my helmet took the full force & distributed the energy so my skull didn't fracture - A real demonstration of their value - I rarely have, & will not now EVER ride without one.
I know the risk is multiplied if their is another knock so have cancelled plans for the ESSEX CASTLE and LONDON-SOUTHEND rides this weekend. It's a shame but the correct decision..I'll do alot of static trainer miles instead.

I've been lucky, and will continue to ride cautiously in the future..and on LEJOG

Friday, 10 July 2009

10/7/09 bad neck...

Been suffering this week with neck/shoulder pains

gave cycling a rest the week

Plan to do a short loosener tomorrow (Sat)

Then travel up to Manchester - camp in Ruby - and meet up with Phil_24 (doing LEJOG) and Darren (L2P2007) for the Manchester-Blackpool run - should be good

Sunday, 5 July 2009

5/7/09 Southern Sportive..wantage A tough one!

For the previous 48 hours I had been suffering with some muscular neck pains, but awoke at 0530 & set off anyway for this challenging ride. Warm & dry with a threat of showers I set off with several hundred others westard towards Swindon. Beautiful countryside and much evidence of the local activities, namely gallops & stables of the famous Lambourn trainers.
Within 4 miles two riders had collided coming down a fast stretch. Fortunately no broken bones but shortly after I hit a pot hole hard...PPPFFFFFFFSSSSSSS..... flat back tyre!
Managed to get wheel/tyre off & spare tube in.......but this was goung down slowly.... so quite a few miles on a soft tyre eventually I called for help & one of the support team brought a new one. I learned some good tips about how to efficiently do the job.
From then on tyre was OK but I'd been left behind the pack. South of Swindon we climbed up & up, then up a muscle busting 17% section. Spectacular views and then a tail wind spurred us onwardsthrough some pretty villages. I was riding with 2 fellas from London & a tubby chap from cardiff who said he was trying to get down to his ideal weight!! (No I didnt ask him)
Psychologically this felt hard. Technical problems & feeling 'behind' can sap motivation & make the legs feel worse. My neck/upper back felt sore & I contemplated short cutting home. In the event I continued, although did cut off a loop at the end.
This ride was hot hilly & a good test for me. In the end I finished (alive!) with some power in the old legs remaining - the free cup of tea (in exchange for the timing 'chip') was most welcome...and I found £10 in the road on the way. All in all an amazing ride in some spectacular terrain - it was open & spacious like say Salisbury Plain, but with sweeping hills & fields of stiff wheat & shimmering Lavender.
Think I've earned a day or two rest then build up to the short(?) 67 mile Manchester-Blackpool next Sunday.
Near the end I passed through the 1000miles on the new bike
76.9m 5h15m at 14.6mph (fastest speed 43.35mph!!!)