Another epic day. The forecast last night for this am was appalling for this part of the UK. Down in London there was to be sunshine & 27 degrees – up in West Scotland there would be rain * force 7-8 gales. The ferry was even under threat.
Last night we all took on plenty of Calories (food) & carbs (beer) in preparation.
The morning started dark wet windy. As we pulled away from the Premier Inn we were immediately soaked. The first 11 miles were in a westerly direction – and starting on B roads battling with School traffic we were soon out on the busy A78 towards Ardrossen. This was more exposed & the SW wind & rain lashed in on us relentlessly – in the distance great breakers could be seen on the shore. Eventually we descended to the sea front & turned northwards. Despite being full of water the gale force wind pushed us on rapidly up past West Kilbride & on to Largs. We were speeding along at ‘Tour de France’ pace ie 25+mph for large section. We forgot how wet we were & just enjoyed the breathtaking views & elements. I think the endorphins were kicking in big-time & everyone was saying how little discomfort they were feeling – I was even overtaken by Wigan-Mark who seemed to have found several extra gears.
I was mainly riding with Wirrel-Phil Mitchel Bro!-Simon (I have been dubbed the other Mitchel bro’), Third Mitchel Bro’ Andy H the lovers Dave & Susie. The pros (devon boys & pocket rocket Rob) along with Mad Simon, Andy-Arsenal, & Novice-Tim AKA Niel in recognition of his years as a Hippi! He still hasn’t had any haggis yet.. The Pro's were taking it a little easier after yesterdays fast madness (They pushed it all day averaging >17mph over 96 miles – Simon & Andy managed to power away from them before lunch!!! They took ‘em on & did the business!!)
The tea at a wet blustery car park in Largs was quickly taken and with a ferry to catch we pushed on. About 18 of us got there around 1100 & boarded the 1125. Fortunately the ferry was running despite conditions but a bit of gale force doesn’t bother this crew. Just as we pulled out Dave the Rave & Jerry the Pacemaker pulled up. They & the remaining riders got the 1225. In the event the crossing wasn’t too uncomfortable.
From here on it really felt & looked like ‘real’ Scotland. It absolutely tipped it down big time as we pulled out of Dunoon. The roads were awash with rain – the whole day everyone took it carefully around corners & roundabouts – it felt like we were cycling on wet glass..
At Rashfeld we saw the DA van & great mugs of soup bread cheese meats biscuits chocolate fruit crisps were devoured by us locusts.
I realised that at this point we were about 300 miles from John O’Groats ie distance from London-Paris!
At that point the rain abated a bit & the ride up Loch Eck can only be described as magical. It’s clear (slightly peat stained) waters lapping up to the road. Water cascading down from the steep hills on our right. There was even a few minutes of sunshine as we sped northwards.
Up & over a hill we descended down to the shores of Loch Fyne & turning right the whitewashed buildings of Invarary could be seen only 2 miles or so across the water. We had a superb ride of 22 miles along the southern shore up & around past the Oyster Restaurant (looked like quite a few were partaking of a few…YUK!!), then along the northern shore into a stiff breeze. At times through the trees the buildings of Invarary were glimpsed. Within a mile of the Hotel we were overtaken by Jason & our gear – terrific timing as usual by the DA lads!
At the narrow steep one way bridge Jason had passed through a green light only to meet an idiot in a van coming the other way. Skilfully (!) he reversed the van & trailer (eventually) and let him through. The lorry behind us hooted just as I started to get going. He was held up by the police on the other side & we were able to give him a bit of feedback about his impatience & rudeness….
Big thanks from me to AndyH & Tim for their company – we were all feeling a bit tired over the last 20 miles & pulled each other through. Many times each of us has found support from one or two of the other riders. Most notable Gerry who grinds along and can ‘pull’ any weary person for many a mile more than they could otherwise
The road up the way (fortunately NOT where we are going) has had a massive landslide & may be closed for months so they say.
Invarary looks an incredible place as it juts out into the Loch. This must’ve been a centre of Clan ‘government’ in the past as the buildings are quite grand and there is a big prison. We are off to a real ale pub & I’m sure there’ll be opportunity to chat to some of the locals.
On paper today would appear to be easy – shorter with less climbs – but the conditions were challenging. So not as difficult as Dartmoor but the scenery was spectacular & a taste of what is to come.
78.45m 4h59m at 15.7mph 1728ft TOTAL 681.3m 46h43m pedalling total climb 32205ft
Last night we all took on plenty of Calories (food) & carbs (beer) in preparation.
The morning started dark wet windy. As we pulled away from the Premier Inn we were immediately soaked. The first 11 miles were in a westerly direction – and starting on B roads battling with School traffic we were soon out on the busy A78 towards Ardrossen. This was more exposed & the SW wind & rain lashed in on us relentlessly – in the distance great breakers could be seen on the shore. Eventually we descended to the sea front & turned northwards. Despite being full of water the gale force wind pushed us on rapidly up past West Kilbride & on to Largs. We were speeding along at ‘Tour de France’ pace ie 25+mph for large section. We forgot how wet we were & just enjoyed the breathtaking views & elements. I think the endorphins were kicking in big-time & everyone was saying how little discomfort they were feeling – I was even overtaken by Wigan-Mark who seemed to have found several extra gears.
I was mainly riding with Wirrel-Phil Mitchel Bro!-Simon (I have been dubbed the other Mitchel bro’), Third Mitchel Bro’ Andy H the lovers Dave & Susie. The pros (devon boys & pocket rocket Rob) along with Mad Simon, Andy-Arsenal, & Novice-Tim AKA Niel in recognition of his years as a Hippi! He still hasn’t had any haggis yet.. The Pro's were taking it a little easier after yesterdays fast madness (They pushed it all day averaging >17mph over 96 miles – Simon & Andy managed to power away from them before lunch!!! They took ‘em on & did the business!!)
The tea at a wet blustery car park in Largs was quickly taken and with a ferry to catch we pushed on. About 18 of us got there around 1100 & boarded the 1125. Fortunately the ferry was running despite conditions but a bit of gale force doesn’t bother this crew. Just as we pulled out Dave the Rave & Jerry the Pacemaker pulled up. They & the remaining riders got the 1225. In the event the crossing wasn’t too uncomfortable.
From here on it really felt & looked like ‘real’ Scotland. It absolutely tipped it down big time as we pulled out of Dunoon. The roads were awash with rain – the whole day everyone took it carefully around corners & roundabouts – it felt like we were cycling on wet glass..
At Rashfeld we saw the DA van & great mugs of soup bread cheese meats biscuits chocolate fruit crisps were devoured by us locusts.
I realised that at this point we were about 300 miles from John O’Groats ie distance from London-Paris!
At that point the rain abated a bit & the ride up Loch Eck can only be described as magical. It’s clear (slightly peat stained) waters lapping up to the road. Water cascading down from the steep hills on our right. There was even a few minutes of sunshine as we sped northwards.
Up & over a hill we descended down to the shores of Loch Fyne & turning right the whitewashed buildings of Invarary could be seen only 2 miles or so across the water. We had a superb ride of 22 miles along the southern shore up & around past the Oyster Restaurant (looked like quite a few were partaking of a few…YUK!!), then along the northern shore into a stiff breeze. At times through the trees the buildings of Invarary were glimpsed. Within a mile of the Hotel we were overtaken by Jason & our gear – terrific timing as usual by the DA lads!
At the narrow steep one way bridge Jason had passed through a green light only to meet an idiot in a van coming the other way. Skilfully (!) he reversed the van & trailer (eventually) and let him through. The lorry behind us hooted just as I started to get going. He was held up by the police on the other side & we were able to give him a bit of feedback about his impatience & rudeness….
Big thanks from me to AndyH & Tim for their company – we were all feeling a bit tired over the last 20 miles & pulled each other through. Many times each of us has found support from one or two of the other riders. Most notable Gerry who grinds along and can ‘pull’ any weary person for many a mile more than they could otherwise
The road up the way (fortunately NOT where we are going) has had a massive landslide & may be closed for months so they say.
Invarary looks an incredible place as it juts out into the Loch. This must’ve been a centre of Clan ‘government’ in the past as the buildings are quite grand and there is a big prison. We are off to a real ale pub & I’m sure there’ll be opportunity to chat to some of the locals.
On paper today would appear to be easy – shorter with less climbs – but the conditions were challenging. So not as difficult as Dartmoor but the scenery was spectacular & a taste of what is to come.
78.45m 4h59m at 15.7mph 1728ft TOTAL 681.3m 46h43m pedalling total climb 32205ft
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