Sunday, 28 June 2009

28th June 2009

900 miles+ on new bike in 3 months....

This morning repeated the trip of around Corby. The air was cool & still & I did the ride without any bother in the cool before the heat of the day
35m 2h6m at 16.2mph

This week will get on & get entered for LEJOG. Will send deposit + organise travel there (LE) & back (Inverness) as well as the Hotel

I will continue 2-3 shorter rides in the week with longer ones at the weekend


Sunday 5th July - Wantage Southern Sportive 86m
Sunday 12th July - Manchester to Blackpool 60m
Saturday 18th July - Essex castle, Colchester 75m
Sunday 19th July - London to Southend 59m
Sunday 9th August - Suffolk Coast 60m
Sunday 16th August - Woodcote Southern Sportive 75m

Tue 1 - Sat 12th September LEJOG!!!

more details see

22nd June 2009 'pylon' record

18/6/09 tried out a diffent route. Out through Rothwell & Hannington back via 'far-point' Really pushed the legs from the start.
15.4m 55m at 16.8mph

22/6/09 On the morning of Mum's funeral I had a fantastic 'blow-out round the pylon shattering the previous record (44m) I pushed hard from the start, harder up the hills and if the lights had been green at the end would've been sub 40mins (20min tree 18-18 40min spot in 31-30!) What a ride!
12.22m 40m10s at 18.3mph

14th June 2009 St Edmunds Wheel

Really nice sunny ride - quite tough heading west but once up & Right at T nice eastward run. Passed through Ixworth & skirted my Mum's village at Pakenham. Quite emotional as I cycled along Mums favourite winding road along past the watermill. In conversation with @David Duval' lookalike fella from Colarado. he pulled me along slightly quicker than my usual pace - thanks.
47.7m 2h53m at 16.2mph

8th June 2009

terrible week with the rapid deterioration & death of my Mum.

Any decision put on hold for now...

4-7th June 200miles in 4 days...and decision time

Sadly on 2/6/09 I had a devastating call from the Doctor in the Hosptal where my Mum had been for 2 weeks. The pneumonia wasn't responding to treatment, and terminal cancer had been found. Thankfully we got her home and she died peacefully with 4 of her children present on 10th June. I cycled the London to Paris trip not long after my Dad had died, and when I felt in discomfort I thought about him. These 4 days made me realise I CAN do this LEJOG trip, and Mum will pull me through if I'm struggling

Thursday 4/6/09 A new route for me! Headed east past Grafton Underwood & Brigstock - passing through Deene & north of Corby returning via Pipwell & Rushton. A lovely ride in good warm conditions
35m 2h18m at 15.2mph

Friday 5/6/09 With 150 miles planned for the weekend I did the Lamport route to make up the miles. With was comfortable & reasonable pace considering some tiredness in my legs.
18m 1h11m 15.3mph.
That evening headed off to Dovercourt Campsite in Harwich

Saturday 6/6/09 the Tour de Tendring. After a comfortable night I set off in high winds to the start up the road. met up with Will and we headed off. Conditons were quite tough especially along the Clacton Seafront. Again Will kindly took 'point' as we battled against the stiff breeze. This was an excellent route with a few hills and we finished strongly.
48m 3h8m at a good 15.1mph considering the wind.

Sunday 7/6/09 The Norwich 100 I again camped in Ruby ready for the early start at 0720 at the Town hall. Again it was windy with a stiff south-easterly blowing. We shot out of Norwich with the wind on our backs. The heavens opened as we approached Cromer & I always knew it'd be a tough stretch downn that long coast. Lunch at Sheringham school was packed with wet cyclists and restarting in the cold wet conditions was hard. Along the coast road into wind/rain I stuck behind two large Coppers on mountain bikes! Finally we turned west agin & I was suprised how good my legs felt as I flew back into Norwich again. Once I found Ruby some dry clothes/baked beans/nuts/coffee were most welcome.
98m 6h21m at 15.2mph!

I'd done it! 200 miles in 4 days. Although obviously tired it was achieved moderately easily.

30th May 2009 Cycle Plus Sportif Donnington

I'd pre booked this one some months before

Home from work we (Ali Luke & Finley) headed off in Ruby to Castle Donnigton Circuit for a night of Camping. I expected traffic but in the event we arived in good time. Some supper, a beer of two, and after watching a few planes come in we retired fro the night.
I was up early on a beautiful sunny day to join 1000 other riders (including Gaeme Obrey) on the 60 or 100 mile ride. I knew this one would be hilly so opted for the shorter trip. The first 30 miles were glorious as we climbed up onto the dales. The next 20 were even better as we whooshed downwards at a good pase(averaging ~17mph over this section). Things got tougher as we turned east into a stiff breeze for the final section back. I had some problems with my feet/hands - mainly pins & needles over this section. However it was thrilling to start & finish this ride actually on the smooth circuit!
57.5m 3h 48m at 15.2mph 3500ft of climb

24th May 2009 solo to Lutterworth & back!

No sportive this weekend, so after some short rides in the week I set off early for Lutterworth

Back in 2004 Sam & I cycled 100 miles up & around the top of Leicester & back in three days to raise money for his Kilomanjaro trip. The last day we 'bombed' back from Lutterworth - for some time I had wanted to do the journey again. Here was my chance but this time both ways!

Warm I sunny I sped west through Rothwell past sibbertoft making the roundabout (near the golf Club and with the jet plane) in good time. I returned along the 2004 route, south past Kilworth Springs GC and home.
51.3m 3h 19m at a faster 15.7mph.

My legs are feeling stronger, and the confidence is increasing.


In the week between I went out & did the 'pylon' ride - also on 14/5/09 went & did my first (& probably last) time-trial. I headed out to Lamport and joined on as No 25 (out of 25) on the 10 mile out-&-back trip. Downhill & with wind behind I did my record 5 mile lap at 13m43s 21.8mph ave! Coming back was slower at a respectable 18m57s at 15.8mph total time 33. 25s - I was in 23rd place. Interesting but dull...I need stamina not pace + I don't have aerobars & long tail helmet!
10m 33m25s at 15.8mph

Sunday 17th May Up early & drove to Anth/Will's in Chelmsford by 0730! We cycles the 800yds to the start. I had been exited about this ride as it took in Southend & then up to Maldon & back. Starting in good weather we had some heavy rain to contend with but the Essex Hills are mild and again I got through the miles withour too much fuss. Legs & bum ok, the main discomfort being in the neck & wrists.
60.2m in 4h10s at 15mph.
Many thanks to Will who rode in 'point' position most of the way

Tuesday 19th July - thought I'd punish the old legs with a fast follow up cycle. Did the Lamport route at good pace.
18.3m 1h5m at 16.7mph.


Drove down in 'Ruby' on saturday night to camp near the start

This Sunday was warm & bright & as planned I met up with Darren - who was on the London-Paris cycle with me & Sam in June 2007.

What a lovely ride this was - warm & bright without any significant hills we cycled east past Wallingford, then North & East through pleasant country lanes. After 45 miles of easy cycling we stopped for a beer in Sparsholt. The last 15 miles were done at a fare pace & I finished with energy to spare & increased confidence in my stamina.
61m 3h58m at 15.3mph
It was good to chat to Darren again & I have plans to go up & do the Manchester-Blackpool cycle on 12/7/09...

Pleased with progress so far - On my old bike I could only average 12.5mph at best..


Havent had time + lost password so theres been a bit of a gap since the last entry..

..alot has happened

I had a bad fall on my old bike on Sun 1/3/09 - lucky not to break my L collar bone & R leg after I slammed into a wall - the front wheel was completely wrecked

Sat 21st March 2009 - went and collected my new bike, my first ever road bike - 'Belle'

Alot of research, talk, reading & adsorbing vast quantities of information went into the choice. In the end I went for the resilience of Aluminium over a carbon bike, and alot a triple front set for those hills!

The plan was to enter as many Sportives as possible culminating with the Norwich 100 on 7/6/09 - with the decision whether to do LEJOG to ba taken after that.

early April was taken up with frequent short rides...mainly the 12.5 mile 'pylon' route that I have done many times over the years - also a Holiday to Devon.

Sat 25th April - the First Sportive - 'Cycle Oakham' 53 miles. I got there early and tentatively got myself ready for my first attempt at 50miles+. We set off in groups of 10 - A nice easy run out of Oakham and after 15 miles 'decision time' I chose to turn left on the 50 mile route...ALL my companions turned right! There was company along the way and I called in at Tim's in Medbourse for a welcome cup of coffee. The run in included some big hills (especially Uppingham Hill) but I ran down into Oakham with a little energy to spare.
53 miles in 3h48m at 14.1 mph average.
A good start, but realisation I need to be fitter for LEJOG...

Sunday 3rd May After a couple of short rides in the week I drove out to Naseby on a cold windy morning to tackle to 80 mile 'Squires & Shires' ride. So far Belle has been more comfortable than I had expected, and the lack of weight making cycling far easier. In fact much better than I had expected. This time we went off in groups of 25. I found the westward stretch to Swinford Manor quite tough and got in the slipsteam of an old fella for these miles. There was a V Dub camper fest there with many lovely splitties & Bays to see. Things warmed up but the hills & wind took its toll. We skirted round Daventry & mad for home up past Farthingstone & the Bringtons. My legs hurt as I struggled back up to Naseby - the relief on seeing the finish line was immense. I'd done it! And with only minimal training
78 miles in 5h28 at 14.2 mph - with 4700ft of climb!