In the week between I went out & did the 'pylon' ride - also on 14/5/09 went & did my first (& probably last) time-trial. I headed out to Lamport and joined on as No 25 (out of 25) on the 10 mile out-&-back trip. Downhill & with wind behind I did my record 5 mile lap at 13m43s 21.8mph ave! Coming back was slower at a respectable 18m57s at 15.8mph total time 33. 25s - I was in 23rd place. Interesting but dull...I need stamina not pace + I don't have aerobars & long tail helmet!
10m 33m25s at 15.8mph
Sunday 17th May Up early & drove to Anth/Will's in Chelmsford by 0730! We cycles the 800yds to the start. I had been exited about this ride as it took in Southend & then up to Maldon & back. Starting in good weather we had some heavy rain to contend with but the Essex Hills are mild and again I got through the miles withour too much fuss. Legs & bum ok, the main discomfort being in the neck & wrists.
60.2m in 4h10s at 15mph.
Many thanks to Will who rode in 'point' position most of the way
Tuesday 19th July - thought I'd punish the old legs with a fast follow up cycle. Did the Lamport route at good pace.
18.3m 1h5m at 16.7mph.
10m 33m25s at 15.8mph
Sunday 17th May Up early & drove to Anth/Will's in Chelmsford by 0730! We cycles the 800yds to the start. I had been exited about this ride as it took in Southend & then up to Maldon & back. Starting in good weather we had some heavy rain to contend with but the Essex Hills are mild and again I got through the miles withour too much fuss. Legs & bum ok, the main discomfort being in the neck & wrists.
60.2m in 4h10s at 15mph.
Many thanks to Will who rode in 'point' position most of the way
Tuesday 19th July - thought I'd punish the old legs with a fast follow up cycle. Did the Lamport route at good pace.
18.3m 1h5m at 16.7mph.
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