Here we go...this is it...
It was a pretty mad sunset last night - the northern lattitudes & low sun did something weird to the underside of the light clouds - changing from yellow to bronze to hot coal orange & red 'lava' flows & back again - absulutely incredible.
Several of us are up early - I slept well but once awake I was AWAKE - heart pounding ready for this final push.
Novice & I (+ a few others) plan to set off early so we can take in the extra 12 miles to the tip of Dunnet Head & then back - the plan is to get back to the A road & not hold anyone up.
The DA boys want us to group together 1/2 mile out so we can do the last bit as a big pelaton...
Was very windy in night but looks dry & wind seems to be from a favourable direction...the Angel's breath stays with us.
Got a Txt from solo Young-Jerry - last night he was at the castle YH we stayed at - he will get to JOG tomorrow..Good Luck
more from after JOG....
WOW! Job done...what a day!
As above everyone was up early today - the morning was fresh & bright with a lovely westerly wind.
The nine of us planning Dunnet head set of early. Within 10 yds Novice had a flat!! The DA boys did a tube fit in 3 mins and we were off.
The first 400yds were a mad steep downhill & a taste of things to come before Thurso where, we were told, the terrain would flatten somewhat. Some enormous climbs made easier by the wind, and some very fast, terrifying at times, descents - like coming off Dartmoor. However this time dry, but as the road winds then viscous gusty side winds meant concentration had to be 100%. The surface was fee of potholes but very rough & alot of vibrations at speed. It's incredible that no bits (apart from Dave's back light), or people, came off today. On the flat sections the wind allowed us to breeze along at 25mph without much effort. A big factor is our strength & fitness we've built up.
The initial terrain started with sweeping hills & valleys & isolated buildings. The run down into Thurso was at about 38mph for about a mile without pedalling!
Novice & I pressed on because we had to 'do' Dunnet Head & not delay the other riders.
Beyond Thurso the road runs behind a huge dune system behind Dunnet Bay. This is where we had a quick cup of tea. Andy-Arsenal had come powering past us to his arranged meeting with his girlfriend at the drink stop.
Then The Pro's, Ice bath, novice,mad simon,mad-dog & Andy-Arsenal set off to Dunnet turning left into Hell-on-Earth!
The side wind was ferocious, almost un rideable & pretty scary. We then climbed up the windy road up to the northest point sign. With gale force wind & rain freezing us we took some pictures & headed back across the narrow windy road. I for one was glad when we got back to the main road (Rocket "super mechanic" was mending a chain in the rain)
At the main road the sign said 9 1/2 miles to JOG! We assumed the rest had gone past already so Novice & I gently rolled our way up to the Hotel just short of JOG. His R knee had now decided to play up but battled on bravely.
We were the last to arrive!!! My hands were frozen & the packed warm bar & McEwans bitter & ORKNEY brewed 'heavy' ale went down a treat.
We then put all our charity shirts on & congregated in the freezing wind for the gentle run down to the finish line. Gerry led us in with George & the girls not far behind.
There it was...the famous sign and the F I N I S H L I N E !!!
AndyH's uncle Martin was their playing his bagpipes as we all rolled in - a magic moment for us all.
Hugs cheers plenty of tears bubbly wine photos wine lunch wine change of clothes more tears etc all a bit of a blur.................
Signed the End to End book - cup of coffee & walk around. The main Hoetl is boarded up & in fact it's a bit of a sorry place "Bit of a shit-hole - we've come all this way for this?" - Wirrel
Then it was all aboard the coach for the 2+hr trip to Inverness
The coastline up there is up there with the best Europe has to offer with steep cliffs, bays and majestic hills.
Most of us dozed a bit in the sunshine coming to life for a beer or two in the last stretch.
We are now in the Royal Highland Hotel, literally next door to the train station.
Plan is a beer or two then big chinese nosh up...
I will add more later & also once home I can put some photos/film clips on (when connection is a bit quicker)
Chinese meal was delicious but timing of the food was a bit strange - we can all just eat & eat now.
Jason then did his wrap up speech & dished out our DA-LEJOG T-shirts.
I then thanked the DA boys - without whom we could not have had any chance of success - and passed on the whip round for Jason to share out - TOP GUYS++
I also felt that we should all thank each other for being such a good team. The support all round has been fantastic. There have been numerous occcasions when the legs are 'running' on empty - and a slight gee-up & positive word can make such an impact. I expressed our sadness that this is over, & I don't expect we'll ever all be together again, but I'm certain that alot of our paths with cross at some point in the future.
We have become friends and in sharing the whole experience this will have forged some bonds that will last.
There are so many memories, mostly locked away & as we reflect in the coming months, and share our photos these will re-emerge. Thanks Guys.
Our 'HERO' the LEGEND Gerry stood up & thanked everyone for getting him through. In fact for most of us it was Gerry's rythmical cycling that pulled us through. (Whenever I felt a bit weak I tucked in behind him & the miles slid by more effortlessly than before)
George then echoed Gerry's thoughts. He has done many Treks over the years (and is on a plane on Monday for another!!) - he said that we will bump into one & other in the coming years.
Doing something like this for a cause can be so rewarding, one day we ourselves might need the help of the organisations we are raising money for.
With that & after some fruit fritters & ice cream the group broke up to go to various bars. Inverness on a Saturday night is a noisy & possibly dangerous place with it's toxic mix of young drunk people & hard Rig workers out to enjoy some freedom on land.
Stu had had to get home already for another DA trip this week. Jason & Matt will be up early to get the vans down to DA head office (Salisbury) ready for thr next LEJOG in 2 days!!
MANY THANKS to all of you for your supportive comments & texts - they helped to keep me going.
Will make one more summary post,, add some images/videos, then leave this blog as a record of our amazing journey...
58m 3h51m at 15.1mph Climb 3263ft (50m & 2750ft without Dunnet Head)
For the anoraks :-
TOTAL 969.61 miles in 12 days (average 81m/day)
Fastest speed 44.1mph (steep downhill bit just after pub in top of Dartmoor)
assuming 60 revolutions per minute thats 240, 480 turns which is 480,960 pushes on the pedals!!!
Average heartrate dropped from ~130 1st week to ~120 2nd week - evidence of increased fitness
TOTAL CLIMB 45,957 ft !! Everest & a half!
TOTAL CALORIES 60,369 (as calculated by the Garmin)
Several of us are up early - I slept well but once awake I was AWAKE - heart pounding ready for this final push.
Novice & I (+ a few others) plan to set off early so we can take in the extra 12 miles to the tip of Dunnet Head & then back - the plan is to get back to the A road & not hold anyone up.
The DA boys want us to group together 1/2 mile out so we can do the last bit as a big pelaton...
Was very windy in night but looks dry & wind seems to be from a favourable direction...the Angel's breath stays with us.
Got a Txt from solo Young-Jerry - last night he was at the castle YH we stayed at - he will get to JOG tomorrow..Good Luck
more from after JOG....
WOW! Job done...what a day!
As above everyone was up early today - the morning was fresh & bright with a lovely westerly wind.
The nine of us planning Dunnet head set of early. Within 10 yds Novice had a flat!! The DA boys did a tube fit in 3 mins and we were off.
The first 400yds were a mad steep downhill & a taste of things to come before Thurso where, we were told, the terrain would flatten somewhat. Some enormous climbs made easier by the wind, and some very fast, terrifying at times, descents - like coming off Dartmoor. However this time dry, but as the road winds then viscous gusty side winds meant concentration had to be 100%. The surface was fee of potholes but very rough & alot of vibrations at speed. It's incredible that no bits (apart from Dave's back light), or people, came off today. On the flat sections the wind allowed us to breeze along at 25mph without much effort. A big factor is our strength & fitness we've built up.
The initial terrain started with sweeping hills & valleys & isolated buildings. The run down into Thurso was at about 38mph for about a mile without pedalling!
Novice & I pressed on because we had to 'do' Dunnet Head & not delay the other riders.
Beyond Thurso the road runs behind a huge dune system behind Dunnet Bay. This is where we had a quick cup of tea. Andy-Arsenal had come powering past us to his arranged meeting with his girlfriend at the drink stop.
Then The Pro's, Ice bath, novice,mad simon,mad-dog & Andy-Arsenal set off to Dunnet turning left into Hell-on-Earth!
The side wind was ferocious, almost un rideable & pretty scary. We then climbed up the windy road up to the northest point sign. With gale force wind & rain freezing us we took some pictures & headed back across the narrow windy road. I for one was glad when we got back to the main road (Rocket "super mechanic" was mending a chain in the rain)
At the main road the sign said 9 1/2 miles to JOG! We assumed the rest had gone past already so Novice & I gently rolled our way up to the Hotel just short of JOG. His R knee had now decided to play up but battled on bravely.
We were the last to arrive!!! My hands were frozen & the packed warm bar & McEwans bitter & ORKNEY brewed 'heavy' ale went down a treat.
We then put all our charity shirts on & congregated in the freezing wind for the gentle run down to the finish line. Gerry led us in with George & the girls not far behind.
There it was...the famous sign and the F I N I S H L I N E !!!
AndyH's uncle Martin was their playing his bagpipes as we all rolled in - a magic moment for us all.
Hugs cheers plenty of tears bubbly wine photos wine lunch wine change of clothes more tears etc all a bit of a blur.................
Signed the End to End book - cup of coffee & walk around. The main Hoetl is boarded up & in fact it's a bit of a sorry place "Bit of a shit-hole - we've come all this way for this?" - Wirrel
Then it was all aboard the coach for the 2+hr trip to Inverness
The coastline up there is up there with the best Europe has to offer with steep cliffs, bays and majestic hills.
Most of us dozed a bit in the sunshine coming to life for a beer or two in the last stretch.
We are now in the Royal Highland Hotel, literally next door to the train station.
Plan is a beer or two then big chinese nosh up...
I will add more later & also once home I can put some photos/film clips on (when connection is a bit quicker)
Chinese meal was delicious but timing of the food was a bit strange - we can all just eat & eat now.
Jason then did his wrap up speech & dished out our DA-LEJOG T-shirts.
I then thanked the DA boys - without whom we could not have had any chance of success - and passed on the whip round for Jason to share out - TOP GUYS++
I also felt that we should all thank each other for being such a good team. The support all round has been fantastic. There have been numerous occcasions when the legs are 'running' on empty - and a slight gee-up & positive word can make such an impact. I expressed our sadness that this is over, & I don't expect we'll ever all be together again, but I'm certain that alot of our paths with cross at some point in the future.
We have become friends and in sharing the whole experience this will have forged some bonds that will last.
There are so many memories, mostly locked away & as we reflect in the coming months, and share our photos these will re-emerge. Thanks Guys.
Our 'HERO' the LEGEND Gerry stood up & thanked everyone for getting him through. In fact for most of us it was Gerry's rythmical cycling that pulled us through. (Whenever I felt a bit weak I tucked in behind him & the miles slid by more effortlessly than before)
George then echoed Gerry's thoughts. He has done many Treks over the years (and is on a plane on Monday for another!!) - he said that we will bump into one & other in the coming years.
Doing something like this for a cause can be so rewarding, one day we ourselves might need the help of the organisations we are raising money for.
With that & after some fruit fritters & ice cream the group broke up to go to various bars. Inverness on a Saturday night is a noisy & possibly dangerous place with it's toxic mix of young drunk people & hard Rig workers out to enjoy some freedom on land.
Stu had had to get home already for another DA trip this week. Jason & Matt will be up early to get the vans down to DA head office (Salisbury) ready for thr next LEJOG in 2 days!!
MANY THANKS to all of you for your supportive comments & texts - they helped to keep me going.
Will make one more summary post,, add some images/videos, then leave this blog as a record of our amazing journey...
58m 3h51m at 15.1mph Climb 3263ft (50m & 2750ft without Dunnet Head)
For the anoraks :-
TOTAL 969.61 miles in 12 days (average 81m/day)
Fastest speed 44.1mph (steep downhill bit just after pub in top of Dartmoor)
assuming 60 revolutions per minute thats 240, 480 turns which is 480,960 pushes on the pedals!!!
Average heartrate dropped from ~130 1st week to ~120 2nd week - evidence of increased fitness
TOTAL CLIMB 45,957 ft !! Everest & a half!
TOTAL CALORIES 60,369 (as calculated by the Garmin)